Out-come of single vessel coronary artery disease – a one and half years study

Tridip Kumar Sengupta, Tanmay Mukherjee and Kanak Kumar Mitra

Coronary Artery Disease is one of the most important life threatening ailment in modern world. Single artery block ≥ 70% requires stent implantation for revascularization point of view. One hundred patients of single vessel coronary artery disease (SV-CAD) were underwent full medical treatment for one and half years in place of revascularization. They refused revascularization due to their financial constraint. During the study period, only one patient died due to heart failure at Emergency Room of the same tertiary care centre, two patients were admitted with chest pain and another two admitted with left ventricular failure in the study hospital. But the rest ninety five patients i.e. 95% were in good condition (satisfactory) with the medical treatment and regular check-up. Therefore if economic background does not permit instantly for revascularization treatment, there is no fear for the valuable life. One can go for medical treatment along with regular checkup which can alleviate the mortality and the patient may become symptom free with such a treatment.

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