Comparative analysis of salivary ferning versus cervical ferning test as a predictor of ovulation

Dhaval K. Patel and Ajesh N. Desai

Introduction: it is important for the women to know when they are ovulating. Being infertile is the biggest social stigma faced by Indian women. The ability to detect the period of potential monthly fertility is of great importance for women in their reproductive years, both in terms of contraception as well as conception. There is increasing demand of women for cheap self test to predict the fertile period in each menstrual cycle. Objectives: The purpose of our study is comparative analysis of salivary ferning test by using KNOWHEN ovulation microscope versus cervical ferning test to predict the ovulation and to detect sensitivity and specificity of salivary ferning test and to correlate the salivary ferning with cervical ferning and Trans vaginal sonographic findings (TVS). Methods: This is a prospective observational type of study conducted on all healthy married women volunteers age between 21 – 40 years attending gynec OPD in sola civil hospital, Ahmedabad, with regular menstrual cycle From April 2016 to September 2016. Result: Salivary ferning test by KNOWHEN ovulation microscope is accurate method of detecting ovulation. Its accuracy is 86.5% as compare to cervical ferning which has accuracy of 89.4%. Conclusion: There was strong correlation between salivary ferning and cervical ferning. Hence can be use instead of cervical ferning as both have same accuracy. Salivary ferning test can be used as a self test by using KNOWHEN ovulation microscope so it is more user’s friendly than cervical mucus test.

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