Comparison of orthopedic surgery and physical therapy in functional motor outcome in spastic diplegia

Khushali Choksi, Dinesh Ghatamaneni, Charmi Shah, Amita Parmar, and Amrita Patil

Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of orthopedic surgery and physical therapy on functional motor outcome in spastic diplegia. Method: The study was undertaken on two groups – “Orthopedic Surgical Group” and “Physical Therapy Group”. 30 spastic diplegic children were selected from Surat city. A detailed explanation regarding the study was given to them. Children were taken on the basis of GMFCS level III and IV. The GMFM scale was used as an outcome measure. The children were given clear instructions and sufficient time to perform actively. Best appropriate score was given and score were recorded. Results: From the statistical analysis, it can be inferred that there is no difference between the two groups while taking into account all the five components of the GMFM scale (p value > 0.05). But the mean difference is positive. Only there is a statistical variation in the “crawling & kneeling” dimension (p value < 0.05). Conclusion: On comparing all the five dimensions of GMFM scale, there is no difference between orthopedic surgery and physical therapy in improving functional motor outcome in spastic diplegia. But when individual subgroups are compared we have found that in “crawling & kneeling” dimension, physical therapy group is more effective than orthopedic surgery.

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