Per-cutaneous nailing of the distal radius fractures using a “s” shaped elastic nailpreliminary results

Dominique PERSOONS

Background: The central venous accesses technique uses a direct visualization puncture. With the advent of the ultrasound (US)-guided puncture, a high variation rate in the anatomical position (AP) of the right internal jugular vein (RIJV) was observed compared to the right common carotid artery (RCCA). Objective: This study describes the rate of AP variability in RIJV, compared with previous studies and descriptions. Methods: We selected 180 adult patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), between June and October 2018, for anUS evaluation of the AP and diameter of the RIJV and its anatomical corresponding position with the RCCA. Results-A higher incidence of anterior lateral position (43%) (p=0.0016) was observed, followed by anterior (31%), lateral (22%) and anterior-internal position (4%). Adiameter greater than 11mm in SAH patients (p=0.0011) was also observed(odds ratio 3.80; 95% CI: 1.71 to 8.44). Conclusions - The study showed a high variability rate in the RIJV AP as determined by ultrasonography. The larger diameter of the RIJV showed a statistically significant association with SAH.

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