Genocide of law, justice and its madiotization - there is no rule of law in bulgaria! the mafia has a country! support from usa and ec part 1- prosecutor

Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-DObreva developed 2006 "Theory of degree of democracy" and "Theory of degree of justice/injustice/" based on their practice in court, prosecutor's office, state. Since 2003, Prof. Momchil Dobrev has been creating the Theory of Corruption, "Theory of the Mafia, "Theory of Mafiaism", "Financial Banking Resource Technological Mafiosoted Materialism" and based on their practice they prove that in Bulgaria there is rule of law and that the Mafia rules as the court , the prosecutor's office, the state in Bulgaria. Prince Lord Prof. Momchil Dobrev in relation to his fight with this mafia even after 9 attempts to kill him and his family since 2011, he will continue to fight this mafia.

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