An investigation on the sacredness of Tirunavaya: in a mythical perspective

Aparna, M.P. and Dr. Narayanan, M.T

The concept of space is one that varies from one cultural context to another. Space is an identity of a geographical terrain created by the human beings as a part of their life activities. The concept of sacred is the part of the broader idea of space. It is multi- dimensional in its form and content. In India there are so many famous sacred centers, which are known as a part of Itihasas and Puranas. The Bhakti literature contains the hymns of several deities in Tamil language. The sacredness of Tirunavaya can be traced from the Bhakti movement onwards. Navamukunda deity has many legends and stories connected with it. It is located at the sand banks of Bharathapuzha or Nila or Perar. The many Brahmanical myths and legends that became associated with the place was a result of the Bhakti movement. The Mamankam and Taipuyam festivals were conducted as great festivals on the sand banks of the Perar with these temples as its backdrop by which probably holiness rubbed off on to these festivals at that point. This paper tries to look at the legends, myths and stories associated with Tirunavaya.

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