Methodological alternative for the teaching-learning process of indefinite integrals with the use of maple mathematical assistant in the 1styear of mathematics teaching course at isced-cabinda

Suzana Bumba Duda and Marcos João Púcuta

This article was developed with the purpose of presenting a methodological alternative for the teaching-learning process of indefinite integrals using Maple mathematical assistant at the 1st year of Mathematics Teaching course at ISCED-Cabinda, in order to minimize the difficulties found at this level such as students’ lack of motivation in relation to the mathematical content taught in the traditional classroom, the failure to achieve satisfactory results intended in the teaching of indefinite integrals, incomprehension of the concept of indefinite integrals, the lack of mention about the application and the relationship between the indefinite integrals and the daily problems of society, limited contents in the 12th grade Mathematics manual and insufficient solved and proposed exercises regarding the indefinite integrals, lack of adequate didactic and bibliographic material for the teaching-learning of these contents, lack mastery of integration rules and techniques in learning, the non-use of information and communication technologies. In this regard, a questionnaire was applied and 5 teachers and 145 students were interviewed, whose collected data were processed by the SPSS statistical software, which allowed the elaboration of a methodological alternative, in order to favor the teaching-learning process and guiding teachers in reducing these difficulties. The alternative was validated through its implementation, with various activities that students were able to carry out in the classroom, and by some teachers, masters and doctors in Mathematics, who favorably approved it as distinct.

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