Psychological stress in couples undergoing infertility treatment

Dr. Tanvi Chaurasia, Dr. Deepti Shrivastava and Dr. Geeta chaurasia

Objectives: Fertility is defined as ability to conceive and produce offspring while according to WHO, infertility is disease of female reproductive system defined by failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects between 48 million couple and 186 million individual globally.It is associated with male and female factors or combination .Most of the time infertility is perceived very negatively by the couples and cause lots of psychological stress may be upto the extent of suicidal thoughts There is associated a social stigma.alongwith , specially in rural areas.For both of them environmental factors such as lifestyle, smoking, excessalcohol, obesity, environmental pollutants are associated with lower fertility rates. This study is done to analyse the effect of infertility on pscychological status of couples undergoing treatment. Methods: This systematic review comprises of databases from pubmed, Cochrane, googlescholar, medline. Results: A total of 20 articles from 2016-2021 were included .Infertility causes modification of both endocrine and immune system at both tissue and cellular level. Conclusion: We could find out negative impact of Infertility on psychologiacal status of couples undergoing treatment, which further affect their metabolic and endocrinal functioning adversely.

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