Risk factors filariasis incident by geographic information systems approach in pasaman barat provinceof west sumatera

MasrizalDt Mangguang, HariKusnanto, LuthanLazuardi

Objective: To determine the risk factors that related to filariasis incidence and also to give mapping of distribution of filariasis incidence at Pasaman Barat2014. Methods: This research uses is case control study design. Samplesconsisted of 38 cases and 38 controls. The datawere analyzed by usingunivariate, bivariate by using McNemar test, and multivariate. Results: The result showed thata risk factor is use of mosquito nets (OR =2, 67, 95% CI: 1.04-6.81), the habit of dressing (OR =3.50, 95% CI: 1.15-10.63), the marshes (OR =11,95% CI: 1.42-85, 20), the ceiling of the house (OR =3.67, 95% CI: 1.02-13.14). Risk factor had no significant correlation is knowledge level, educationlevel, ethnicity, wire netting, the habit ofeveningout, anti mosquito, animal reservoirs, plantation, rice fields, river, beach and bush. The highest spatial distribution of filari asisincidence are in the Sungai Aur. Conclusion: Spatial distribution of filariasis incidence is in thearea of oil palm plantations, swamps, river sandrice fields. The most dominan trisk factor was ceiling of the house. It is recommended to peopleto use mosquitos nets during sleepingandwear clothing that protects the entire body from mosquito bites. Implemente dimprovement and extension of the filariasis vector controlprograms and the types of mosquitoesin an integratedenvironment.

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