The study of shatavari ghrita akshi tarpana in dry eye syndrome

Dr.Brahanand Swamy and Dr.Hiremath Sapana

In the current scenario of ageing population and increased environmental factors the more prevalent eye disease is ‘Dry Eye Syndrome’. It is a tear film disorder caused by tear deficiency or excessive tears evaporation which results in ocular surface damage and there by irritation, discomfort and dimness of vision. The available modern treatment for dry eye has same lacunas like frequent instillation develops drug toxicity and costly regime. To overcome these lacunas and increased prevalence of the disease, it is necessary to look for alternative therapy. According to Ayurveda, the symptoms of dry eye can be co-relate with Vataj netrarog, Pittaj netrarog and Shushka-Akshipak, and at the same time various treatment modalities are described like Tarpan, Aschotana, as line of treatment. Therefore the present study is carried out to evaluate the role of Shatavari Ghrita Netratarpana in the management of dry eye syndrome.

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