Characteristic of bureauratic behavior public service

Aras Solong

The article entitled Characteristics of public service bureaucratic behavior aims to explain the new phenomenon related to attitude factors, public service behavior realizing good governance. Next, the writer wants to describe the category of bureaucratic behavior, that is, firstly regarding perceptions in the bureaucratic environment, secondly, the low ability of implementing officers, thirdly, not complying with applicable regulations, fourth, negative bureaucratic behavior and fifth, internal behavior of agencies within the government environment. The method used is descriptive qualitative with comparative analysis techniques comparing phenomenon and noumena related empirical facts supported by activity documents, the opinions of public service bureaucracy experts in the regional autonomy era. The results of this analysis have revealed consistent bureaucratic behavior determined by the authority and responsibilities held by bureaucratic officials. While the skills of bureaucratic officials determine professionalism, understanding commitment and work culture embody responsible attitudes and behavior. Furthermore, discipline, innovation and creativity create quality public service bureaucratic behavior. Through this analysis the authors conclude that bureaucratic behavior is of good character, the requirements are broad knowledge, discipline, have authority, understand commitment and work culture as a guide to providing professional services to the community.

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