Conjunctival myxoma in a pediatric patient: A case report

LeMuEl Escobar Gálvez

Conjunctival Myxomais a rare benign neoplasm, with a Mesenchymal origin. We emphasize the importance of excisionalbiopsies to diagnoseindeterminateconjunctivallesions. The patient present schemos is and translucentconjunctival mass in therighteye, he under went a next ensive evaluation as well as multidisciplinary management, with out evidence of systemicdiseaseassociated with Conjunctival Myxoma was found. The complete excision of the tumor is the optimal treatment as itcontributes to the his to pathological examination for confirmation. The importance of an adequate diagnosis is to demonstrate the existence of anundetected síndrome, allowing a comprehensive evaluation treatment and multidisciplinary follow-up.

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