Oculomotor Dysfunction In Migraine Is Recurrent Painful Oculomotor Neuropathy

Dr. Sanjoy Chowdhury, M.S., DNB, D. O., Dr. Hitesh Patel, Dr. Pratik Bhosale and Nilanjan Chowdhury

Migraine is a paroxysmal disorder with accompanying neurological phenomenon. Oculomotor dysfunction is one of them. A prospective study was done to investigate the prevalence and features of oculomotor dysfunction in migraineurs. A questionnaire based on “International headache society” criteria were distributed among the persons coming with chief complaints of headache. Among 2200 persons, 200 were migraineurs and were followed up over a period of two years. Detailed neurological, psychiatric and ocular examinations including MR- angiography were done. Ten out of 200 migraineurs had 3rd nerve involvement either pupillary or total ophthalmoplegic. MR-angiograph revealed no pathological lesion. Riboflavin had favorable response in 40% cases.

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