September 2018

  1. Saya Lee

    Christians are by no means reluctant to consider Solomon as the first wisest man in history. And the book of Proverbs, the majority of which have been presumed to be his work, is considered to be the most wisdom in the Bible and humanity literature. Solomon obtained wisdom by offering a thousand burnt offerings at the high place of Gibeon, and lost it by obtaining losing a thousand wives to Jerusalem. In the Old Testament, the listening heart he received from God is expressed as wisdom. This paper attempts religious and theological analysis of the listening heart that Solomon sought and then lost.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  2. Bhardwaj, J.S. and Vaishali

    India has huge population within its boundaries which will create more vocational problem than before. There are many examples of the persons doing jobs below their qualities, abilities, interest and aspirations. Everywhere we see the rush of unemployed persons but the other side of the coin is that there are many such vocations which are vacant for the eligible candidates. So it is very necessary that the interest of the person should be judged since the beginning stage of life. So the researcher tries to make an attempt to study the vocational interest with regard to gender and level of educational aspiration of secondary school students. Result of the study revealed that two groups of secondary level students namely boys group and girls group are found significantly difference on their vocational interest. On educational aspiration dimension students having average level of educational aspiration were not significantly different from the students having high level and low level of educational aspiration while the student having low level of educational aspiration were significantly different from the student having high level of educational aspiration.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  3. Mithu Debnath, Ashim Upreti, Azhar Ahmed and Dr. Yasrib Qurishi
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    The Process of urbanization is increasing at an alarming rate, putting more pressure on local water quality. The study was conducted to assess the water quality values of varthur Lake which is a major tank in varthur of Bangalore. The samples were collected to examine the water quality in the month of February-March 2018, and brought to the laboratory for Physico-chemical parameters analysis. The aim of this study is to assess the extent of heavy metal contamination of lake water due to influx of industrial and household wastes. Samples of water have been analyzed heavy metals oxides, viz. Halite, Illite, Feldspar, Indium, Boron, Kaolinite, Phosphorus and Cadmium using uv -vis absorption spectrophotometry and X-ray Diffraction analysis. The sample was evaporated off and the residue was subjected for x ray diffraction studies to identify the oxides of metals present looking at the peaks. The results show the presence of some of the heavy metals in the water sample beyond the limits of Indian standards. Subsequently the water samples of lake were collected and it was compared with the regular tap water of the campus. The toxicity level of such heavy metals has proven to be a major threat and there is several health risks associated with it. Even though they do not have any biological role in human body, but the toxicity of such metals remain present in some or the other harmful form for the human body and its proper functioning. They sometimes act as a pseudo element of the body while at certain times they may even interfere with metabolic processes. Despite of some conservation efforts made by the authorities the major lakes are threatening immeasurably. This project aims in bringing out the hazardous effect of such polluted lakes on environment and human health as whole.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  4. Risna Resnawaty, Rudi Saprudin Darwis and Agus Wahyudi Riana

    This article is the result of research conducted at inclusion school in Bandung City, West Java Indonesia. Inclusive Education that provides opportunities for all children with Disabilities to be able to learn together without any difference in getting the teaching, knowledge as children in general. Using the qualitative approach of descriptive study, this research seeks to reveal the challenges and opportunities of inclusive schools in Bandung. Based on this, ideally a school that carries out inclusive education has strategies, resources, and learning methods that meet the needs of Children with Disabilities. We found that World Challenge which is faced is the readiness of schools in providing services both teaching and facilities adequate for children with disabilities. Another challenge that arises is the school's efforts to prepare all school stakeholders (teachers, friends at school, school committee, parents) in order to accept children with disabilities without any difference with other children. Because children with disabilities who are in a public environment are vulnerable to unfair or bullying. Positive opportunities owned by o dh Ban dung city is the existence of other stakeholders that is government and non-government institutions that provide forms of training for teachers and principals so that inclusion schools in the city of Bandung become more ready to provide maximum services for children with disabilities.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  5. Mouïnatou Alidou and Rahmiye Figen Ceylan
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    Background: Tomato is the most consumed vegetable in Africa as in most of the world. It isconsumed by millions of people across the continent’s diverse religious, ethnic and social groups. However, for proper producer and market supporting system development with district orientation, it is essential to focus research on consumer choices with respect to local tomato preferences. Aim: Within many local varieties of tomato grown in Benin Republic, the most preferred variety, consumers’ willingness to pay for it and itscharacteristicswere searched in details within this study respecting the factors that influence consumers’ willingness to pay. Material and Methodology: Based on Hedonic-pricing model, primary data was collected from 223 consumersin Cotonou district of Benin Republic to identify the key factors that are most likely to affect consumers’ accepted premium price for the most preferred tomato variety. Results: 51% of consumers preferred mostly ‘Akikon’ (L.esculentum var. Pyriforme). The average accepted premium was $0.28 and the price rises to $0.0.64 with addition of 200 FCFA ($0.36), the standard market price of 400 grams of conventional tomato. Shape, colour, freshness, size, variety preference and income appeared as the factors affecting Akikonchoice. Conclusion: Both producers and marketers should pay attention on the desired product characteristics. Supply chain should be shortened for increasing fresh supplies.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  6. Hassan Korairi, Abdulqader Alrawi, Reem Abdullah Shahrani, Ali Mubarak Alshahrani, Ali Saad Alshahrani and Ahmed Youssef Abouelyazid
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    Back ground: Hand hygiene is an important component of infection control, which is critical to ensuring patients’ safety in hospitals. Nurses are regarded as healthcare workers could also be vehicles of cross-contamination within the hospital. Thus study aimed to evaluate multimodal interventional health education program in improving knowledge and practicing toward correct hand hygiene manoeuvres at armed forces hospital southern region, in khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia. Method: This was a before and after study of a hand hygiene interventional design (lectures, brochures ,video demonstration, group discussion etc ,data on Knowledge and practices was assessed by A 37-item hand hygiene Beliefs Scale designed to determine Nurses’ hand hygiene beliefs on a 5-point Likert scale. The study was conducted at the beginning of (first of March –2017) and after (30 of May 2017), the intervention conducted by well-trained, infection-control and preventive medicine physician. The study included 118 subject, data on knowledge and practices collected before and after the intervention. Result: The improvement in knowledge and practices in the studded group by mean of 13.9 % and 7.2% respectively. Conclusion: knowledge and practices improved after health educational intervention program. Recommendation: generalization of this program on all hospital department and More researches to be done in the future to ensure the nurses sticking to universal precaution guideline

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  7. Yengkhom Premlata Devi and Chhetry, G.K.N.
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    The seasonal occurrences of fungi were varied in different months starting from December to March in both the years (rabi 2014-15 and 2015-16). In the infected plant (leaves) the pooled number of seasonal mycoflora was found to be highest in March (22.50 cfug-1 leaf x 10) and the lowest in December (15.00 cfug-1 leaf x 10). In healthy plant the highest occurrence of mycoflora was found in March (16.50 cfug-1 leaf x 10) and the lowest in January (11.50 cfug-1 leaf x 10). March was found congenial for abundant occurrence of mycoflora for both diseased and infected leaves.The prominent genera in this season were Aspergillus clavatus, A. niger, Penicilium sp. Fusarium sp. However, other fungi were also found in less abundance.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  8. Premkumar. P, Palanivel Pandian. R, Muthu Karuppaiah, Sangeeta and Umesh
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    Background: Radiology has turned into a noteworthy field in diagnostic application in both medicine and dentistry. There are various dental maladies that can be diagnosed by the utilization of radiography. Since dental specialists and students operate dental x-ray unit on visit premise in their everyday clinical practice, there is a high likelihood among them to be exposed to x-rays on consistent premise. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a health education tool about radiation protection among dental practitioners of Madurai city. Objectives: To assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of radiation protection among registered dental practitioners of Madurai city followed by educate the dentist and to reassess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of radiation protection among registered dental practitioners of Madurai city. Materials and Methods: It is an Interventional Study to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of radiation protection amongst Madurai dentists before and after using a Health education tool. Dentists who met inclusion criteria (n=115) were assessed about Knowledge, attitude and practice of radiation protection through a validated, Self-Administered questionnaire and health education was given to all the participants by Pamphlets. After the intervention, the questionnaire was completed by the participants. Paired t test was used for statistical analysis at a significance level of 0.05. Results: At the end of the study, the change of scores in the knowledge, attitude and practice of radiation protection among dentists was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Educational Intervention lead to change in the score of knowledge of dentists about radiation protection which was statistically significant (0.007) but the attitude and practice of ergonomics did not show any significant improvement.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  9. Vázquez Estudillo Gamaliel, Larracilla Salazar Ivanhoe, Hernández Rojas Manuel A., Ortiz Reyes Sergio F., Aranda Puebla Juan C., Simón Mendoza Alex and Leal Mérida Gustavo
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    Introduction: The Jackson drainage was used to treat subdural hematomas and is currently used in multiple surgeries, this drainage is composed of a soft silicone tube, designed not to absorb tissues. Clinical case: A 42-year-old female with no history of chronic degenerative diseases, previous surgical procedures were placed Jackson Pratt drainage in abdominal cavity, later when removing the drainage, this presents difficulty and pain, evidencing exteriorization of the omentum in the light of the drainage, what was decided to perform wound exploration and removal of the drainage, then the patient progressed satisfactorily, she graduated 24 hours later and management by the outpatient clinic. Conclusion: Closed drainages are an important tool for the management and surveillance of surgeries, however, there is a possibility that these drains present adhesions, be fixed accidentally or present intra-abdominal contents.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  10. Maher Ahmed El keblawy, Yasser Ramzy Lasheen, Mohamed Abd ELsalam Gomaa and Kareem Ragab Ahmed Mohamed Nada

    Background: Shoulder disorder are common musculoskeletal disorders, one in every 5 persons experiences shoulder problems at some time in his / her life. It is a phenomena of mechanical compression of the rotator cuff against the anterior under surface of the acromion and caracoacromial ligament particularly during arm elevation. Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of low level laser therapy versus acupuncture like TENS in chronic shoulder impingement syndrome on intensity of pain, joint ROM and Functional level of shoulder. Subjects: 30 adult male patients, their age range from 25-40 years, subjects were classified to 2 groups Group A: 15 patients received LLLT and conventional treatment (ultrasound, selective strengthening and stretching exercises for shoulder joint).Group B:15 patients received AL-TENS and conventional treatment. Methods: pain intensity measured by visual analogue scale, ROM of shoulder measured by electrogonimeter and functional level of shoulder measured by shoulder pain and disability scale. Results: the study revealed that there was a significant effect of LLLT Group (A) on pain intensity level, shoulder joint ROM and shoulder functional level in CSIS, also there was a significant effect of AL-TENS Group (B) on pain intensity level, shoulder joint ROM and shoulder functional level in CSIS, but LLLT group had a significant difference and improvement in pain intensity level, shoulder joint ROM and shoulder functional level than AL-TENS group in CSIS. Conclusion: Both LLLT and AL-TENS had a significantly effect on pain intensity level ,Shoulder joint ROM and shoulder functional level in CSIS, but the LLLT group more significant effect in pain intensity level, shoulder joint ROM and shoulder functional level than AL-TENS in CSIS.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  11. Islam Mustafa Arfeen, Mohamed Hussein el Gendy and Magda GaidSedhom

    Background: Lysholm Knee Scale is a knee- is an instrument used to assess the results of rehabilitation from knee injuries, especially those requiring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. it measures recovery of knee joint function based on activities of daily living. Objective :The purpose of this study will be to test the face validity, the content validity, the feasibility, the internal consistency reliability and the test retest reliability of Arabic-language version of Lysholm knee scale to measure the PF level in knee osteoarthritic patients. Methods: Two expert panels (first panel consists of eight experts and second panel consist of seven experts) and 40 patients with knee OA participated in this study, 80 sheets (including retest sheets) were filled out in this study considering that bilateral knee osteoarthritic patient. Forward translation, development of preliminary initially translated version, backward translation, and development of the pre-final version and testing of pre-final version using experts then testing of the final version on patients was done. Clarity index, expert proportion of clearance, index of content validity, expert proportion of relevance, descriptive statistics, missed item index, time taken to answer the scale, Cronbach’s coefficient alpha and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were used for statistical analysis. Results: The study showed thatThe Arabic version of Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale has excellent face validity as scale index of clarity equaled 93.88%, and the mean of proportion of clearance (clear responses) equaled 93%, also it has excellent content validity as S-CVI equaled 89.12%, and the mean of the proportion of relevance (relevant responses) equaled 88.6%.The scale items were filled out by 99.4% in all sheets and it needed three minutes or less to be answered in about 57.7% of all and also it needed less than 5 minutes in about 82.7% sheets , cronbach's alpha equaled .853 and spearman's rank correlation coefficients between test &retest were statistically significant (item1:0.944,item 2:0.976,item 3:0,924,item 4 :0,989,item 5 :0,838,item 6: 0.951 , item 7:0.896,item 8:0,969). Conclusion: Arabic-language version of lysholm knee scale has face and content validity, feasibility and internal consistency and test retest reliability enough to measure the physical function in knee osteoarthritis patients.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  12. Mohamed H. Agramia and Samia A. Abdel Rahman
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    Back ground: The prevalence of cerebral palsyin developing country is high. It is one of the most common causes of childhood physical disability. Purpose: To establish a registry of cerebral palsy in Port Said Governorate-Egypt. Subject and Methods: One hundred twenty children with cerebral palsy of both genders who were receiving physical therapy in Port Said Governorate participated in the study. Their ages ranged from one month to 18 years. They were recruited from three public hospitals and four private centers in Port Said Governorate. They were subjected to confidential modified Australian Registry Form.This study was conducted from December 2017 up to March 2018. Results: The findings revealed that the prevalence of CP children who received physicaltherapy services was 3/10000 live birth in Port Said Governorate. Boys represented 69.2% and girls represented 30.8% from total cases. The percentage of the types of cerebral palsy was about 91.6% spastic, 6.7% hypotonic and 1.7% dyskintic. According to Gross Motor Function Classification System; level V has the highest percentage. According to Manual Ability Classification Scale and Viking Speech Scale, level II has the highest percentage. Conclusion: Prevalence of cerebral palsy in Port Said Governorate is low. Spastic type of cerebral palsy has the highest frequency.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  13. Ahmed Younis Abu Serie, Nancy H. Abo elnour and Marwa M. Eid
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    Purpose: To assess the therapeutic efficacy of shock wave therapy and ultrasound therapy on healing of venous ulcer. Material and Methods: Thirty patients with Lower limb ulcer ( second degree )were selected randomly from Kasr- el aine hospitals. Patient's ages were ranged from 30-45 years. These patients were divided into two equal groups: Group A (Shock wave group): In this group, fifteen patients received unfocused Shock wave therapy (500 pulses /cm2 ,0.1 mJ/mm2)two sessions per week for six week plus routine medical treatment (emollient, corticosteroid, antibiotics). Group B (Ultrasound group):In this group, fifteen patients were received ultrasound therapy (1mHz,0.5w/cm2) plus routine medications. The method of assessment was 3d autocade (photographic; burn depth, size, color). Measurements were conducted before starting the treatment as a first record and at the end of 6 weeks of treatment as second record. Results showed significant decrease in wound surface area and increase in the rate of epithelialization in shock wave group compared to ultrasound group. Conclusion: It was concluded that Shock wave therapy had more effect on wound healing of venous ulcer than ultrasound wave.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  14. Wu, Cheng-Chung, Xu Zhongrong and Huang Chih-Chiang

    In the highly competitive environment, the use of international mergers and acquisitions can effectively gain the advantage and market. Through mergers and acquisitions, enterprises can quickly obtain new products, enter new markets or enter different industries to achieve new growth. Although mergers and acquisitions can enable enterprises to obtain new competitiveness and market share in a short time, patented technology, technology integration, professionals. However, there are not many successful mergers and acquisitions planned, so international mergers and acquisitions must have the worst-case evaluation, and fully respond to changes in mergers and acquisitions at any time, making mergers and acquisitions easy to succeed. A benchmark for improving management efficiency.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  15. Dr. Ashok B. Trivedi

    During 1st five year plan (1951-56), the special address was for the agriculture sector to deal with the food crisis. Since then there is found continuous decline in the composition of GDP from the agriculture and allied activities. The world economy has been witnessing the slow growth rate since 2008-09 which has resulted in sluggish growth in all the sectors of India. Although the farm productivity is low as compared to other developed countries, some improvements have been found due to certain developmental activities. These include, technological advancement, adoption of HYVs (High yielding Varieties) of seeds, usage of improved quality of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, new cropping pattern, new irrigation facilities, farm research and management practices.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  16. Dr. Vimal Arya, Dr. Mahendra Chouksey and Dr. Nitin Tiwari
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    Background: The actions of the health system should be responsive and financially fair, while treating people respectably. In the public sector, a Health Sub-centre is the most peripheral and first point of contact between the primary health care system and the community. A Sub-centre provides interface with the community at the grass-root level, providing all the primary health care services. Objectives: to study the infrastructure available at sub-centres and to find out gaps in functioning of subcentres in rural area, Jhansi. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which was carried out during the period June 2016 to June 2017 in the sub-centres of district Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. The data were collected by facility survey and interview technique on a pre-designed, structured and pre-tested schedule designed as per IPHS norms for the sub-centres. Results: 70% of subcentes in Badagoan had designated government building available for the Sub- Centre while remaining 30% were located in Rented building. Around 47.4% of the beneficiaries are not satisfied with their visit to the sub centres. Conclusions: System gaps remain in infrastructure, equipment, drug supplies, communication, and timely referral and transport facilities. However as the data suggests, many sub-centers lack basic facilities like water, electricity or toilets, which raise serious questions about quality of care provided.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  17. Gihan Samir M., Gaber S. Soliman and Ahmed A. A. Elkerdawy

    Background and Objective: Resisted Training and Natural Extract (green tea) for women with insulin resistance syndrome improved the level of TNF (α), lipid profile, exercise capacity, prevent cardiovascular complication and decrease morbidity. The effects of three months resisted training and natural extract on TNF (α) and lipid profile in women with insulin resistance syndrome were investigated in this study. Material and methods: Sixty insulin resistance syndrome untrained obese women with age of 40-50 years were included in the present study. Their body mass index (BMI) was ranged from (30 to 39.9 kg/ m²). They were randomly divided into three equal groups. Group (A) who participated in a program of resisted training (40-50 min, resisted exercises, 3 times/week) and drank 5 cups of the water extract of the dried green tea leaves daily, group (B) who participated in the same program of resisted exercise only as group (A), and group (C) who drank the same green tea extract in the same manner as group (A) but without application of any resisted exercise at all. The study was conducted from Feb 2017 till May 2018, at Physical Therapy Department of Elmonira hospital, the biochemical changes in lipid profile (TC, LDL, and HDL)) and Tnf (α) were measured at the beginning of the study and after twelve weeks for all groups. Results: revealed a significant decrease in the Tnf (α), total blood cholesterol and LDL-C, and a significant increase in the HDL-C, The higher percentage of improvement in the Tnf (α), LDL-C, TC and HDL-C were found in group (A) when compared with group(B) and group (C). Conclusion: we concluded that a program of resisted training combined with green tea Natural extract produce a significant improvement for women with insulin resistance syndrome rather than when any of both applied separately.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  18. Enas Mohammed Atyia, Samah Saad Zahran, Mohamed Serag Eldein and Mahgoub Mostafa
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    Background: Knee pain is one of the major sources of pain and disability in developed countries and is the primary indication for total knee replacement (TKR) in patients with Osteoarthritis (OA). Purpose: To assess myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) distribution pattern in muscles around the knee joint pre and post-treatment program in patients post TKR. Design: pre - posttest experimental design. Methods: Fifty female and male patients post TKR. Their age ranged from 50-80 years old. All patients were observed and assessed for the distribution of the MTrPs in muscles around the knee joint pre and post-treatment program. All 50 patients were randomized equally to 2 groups: group A (experimental) received myofascial release (MFR) and exercises and group B (control) received exercises only. Assessment was done by transparent grading sheet to locate MTrPs accurately during our assessment pre and post-treatment. Results: There was a significant decrease in MTrPs numbers in group A post treatment compared with that pre-treatment (p < 0.05). Conclusion: MFR is effective treatment for MTrPs in patients post TKR.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  19. Kirthilatha Jain, A., Saloni Jain, Kritika Khemka and Dr. Varsha Agarwal

    Recently digital currency have gained a lot of attention from media. Digital currency uses technology for transfer of currency among entities. As a result of elimination of intermediaries digital currency allows swift transactions with the help of internet. Cryptography is used for increasing the security of monetary transactions. Also known as cyber cash and digital money can be used to purchase goods and services but is restricted to certain online communities. Digital currency does not fetch any interest as it is not accepted by banks. Cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies are categories of digital currencies. Block chain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  20. Wang, Lai-Wang and Chen, Chiu-Hsiung

    Over the past decades, the competition of household air conditioning products has become sharp in Taiwan. The life-cycle of a producthas reached its maturation. Moreover, as the global trend of micro-profits arrives, many brands including some famous and other ordinary ones have been created by enterprises. This trend not only leave an enterprise no other choices but to adjust its very own constitutions(such as the transformation of its interior procedures, reducing its own operating costs, and innovating a new product), but also renew its selling strategy in order to raise its market share.For example, due to the rapid revolution of technologies, the consuming culture has also undergone a lot of changes. Because the consumers are easily influenced by mass media and commercial advertisements, a totally different consuming culture might have been formed. Owing to this fact, consumers might have lowered their loyalties to a brand such that an entrepreneur must apply the following strategies to regain his winsome advantages over his competitors, e.g. taking cost-driven leadership,making product-differentiation, or using focused strategy. The research method of the present study took Linear Probability Model and distributed 600 questionnaires to related consumers in the northern, central and southern parts of Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to understand what important factors there are and among which what is the most crucial factor aslong as a consumer purchase a new air conditioner, in order to give some advice to the relevant producers. The studying result shows that under the significance level (i.e. p=0.05), whether the following ten factors have obvious effects on a consumer’s buying activity of an air conditioner in a household: (1) types of air conditioners, (2) brands of air conditioners, (3) the person who made the decision of purchase, (4) the preferred brands, (5) the “Green factor”, i.e.whether an enterprise is environmentalfriendly or not, (6) health and safety considerations, (7) quality-or service-related factors, (8) promotion, (9) locality, and (10) annual income of a family.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  21. Obaalologhi Wilfred and Igbanam Urangikor
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    Background and Purpose: The anococcygeus muscle has a classically sympathetic noradrenaline-mediated motor innervation. Owing to its physiological importance, not much work has been done in the study of its muscular response to certain drugs and chemical mediators. The aim of the experiment was to examine the response of rat anococcygeus muscle to selected drugs and field stimulation. Experimental Approach: Anococcygeus smooth muscle was isolated from adult male rat. In this study, we investigated tissue response to acetylcholine (ACh), noradrenaline (NA), guanethidine (Gua), L-NAME, tetrodotoxin (TTX), and to field stimulation. The isolated muscle was suspended in an organ bath containing Krebs solution gassed with O2/CO2 (95%/5%) at 37oC. Responses were measured with Grass FT 03 isometric transducer, displayed on a Grass Polygraph and was statistically analysed using Microsoft® Excel 2008. Key Results: The muscle tissue responded to ACh and NA, with higher response mediated by NA. Nerve tissue was stimulated following field stimulation which was abolished by the presence TTX and Gua. An inhibitory innervation stimulated by nitric oxide (NO), non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) was abolished by the presence of L-NAME. Conclusion: α1-adrenoceptor and muscarinic receptors are richly distributed in rat anococcygeus muscle, hence their activation by the binding of NA and ACh respectively. There appeared to be preference on NA over ACh in contracting the muscle as its effect was more profound, though its release was prevented by neuro-muscular blockers during the field evoked response. There was complete inhibition of the NO pathway due to the presence of L-NAME.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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  22. Obaalologhi Wilfred
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    Background: Lipid abnormalities such as low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL- C), levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and elevated triglycerides are linked to an increased risk of chronic heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular events which act as predictors of the disease process since excessive intake of cholesterol is likely to lead to hyperlipidaemia. Method: A total of forty (male and female) mice aged between 2 and 12 months were used. The animals were maintained in group cages, and fed with water and experimental food ad libitum six weeks prior to start of the study.Blood samples collected in EDTA-containing tubes following heart puncture, and allowed to cloth and then centrifuged at 12 000 rpm for 2 minutes for serum cholesterol and triglyceride analysis, using standard routine enzymatic method. Result: The serum triglyceride showed (no significant) increasein the 4 to 6 months old male mice (5.47 to 5.70mmol/L).However, there was a decrease in the 12 month old male mice.There was significant increase in the serum triglyceride level from 2 to 6 months female mice (2.23 – 6.83mmol/L), but recorded a slight decrease in its level (5.5mmol/L) in the 12 months old female mice. There was a steady increase in cholesterol in male and female mice with increasing age (2 to 12 months). Conclusion: Age of mice studied have direct influence on the blood serum levels of cholesterol and triglyceride. While the male mice appear to be at a slightly higher risk of raised cholesterol level than the female mice, there is a tendency for the female mice to risk a raised serum TAG level.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2018
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