Health Sciences

Simultaneous estimation of levodopa and benserazide by using reverse phase high Performance liquid chromatography in api and marketed formulation

Pharmaceutical analysis plays a vital role in the Quality Assurance and Quality control of bulk drugs. A rapid and precise reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the validated of benserazide and levodopa, in its pure form as well as in tablet dosage form. Chromatography was carried out on an Altima C18 (4.6 x 150mm, 5µm) column using a mixture of methanol: TEA buffer pH 4.5: acetonitrile (50:25:25) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0ml/min, the detection was carried out at 225nm.

Point of care testing for triglycerides in Brazil: Regions, sex and age groups

Awareness of the prevalence of high triglycerides in an spontaneous survey in all of Brazilian regions. More recently, attention has increased to triglycerides, in particular, especially for its possible relation with remanescent chylomicrons and even Familial Hyperchylomicronemia Syndrome. Although triglycerides not being a major risk factor, it does relate to pro atherosclerotic markers. As to Brazilians controlling triglycerides levels, either by treatment or not spontaneously, in all sexes, age groups and regions, the results in Means are too abnormal.

Relationship between lumbopelvic alignment and severity of primary dysmenorrhea

Background: Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain that is not associated with macroscopic pathology .It is typically occurs in the first few years after menarche and affects as many as 50% of post pubertal females .Purpose: of this study was to investigate the relationship between lumbopelvic alignment and severity of primary dysmenorrhea.

Effect of garlic extract (allium sativum) on hepatotoxicity induced by gemcitabine in rabbits (histological and histopathological study)

Gemcitabine (pyrimidine analog 2′, 2′-difluorodeoxycytidine) is a nucleoside analog that has been used as a chemotherapeutic drug for more than 15 years. It was classified as an antimetabolite with many brand names including Gemzar. This drug cannot differentiate between normal cell and malignant cell, so it produces its toxic effect on both cells as the toxic impacts transfer from the tumor cells to the normal cells. Hepatotoxicity is the less well-known aspect of gemcitabine treatment, and there is little information about the underlying mechanism.

Trend analysis of cte performance in the let

The covid 19 pandemic drastically drives changes in the different field of work and it doesn’t exempt the academe. Thriving is a necessity. To thrive means to stay relevant. Staying relevant is to remain useful, innovative, and responsive to trends. This study evaluates the performances of Bachelor of Elementary Education graduates (BEED) and the trend of the performances of BEED graduates in the LET over 11 years. This quantitative longitudinal study utilizes a descriptive-correlational approach and regression analysis.

A case report on conservative management of placenta accreta spectrum in a primigravida by methotrexate

A 31 year old primigravida with previous history of myomectomy, had a scan done at 28 weeks period of gestation showing vascular lakes and lacunae in the placenta. During elective lower segment cesarean section, placenta was found to be adherent. It was left in-situ and was managed conservatively by methotrexate and suction and evacuation.

Serum bilirrubin levels as a predictor of severity in acute appendicitis

Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the main causes of abdominal pain that requires surgical treatment, it occurs at any stage of life with a lifetime risk of 7% in general population; clinical findings are usually sufficient to make diagnosis, but definitive diagnosis is made at the moment of surgery; there isn´t a reliable marker of acute apendicitis but it has been hypothesized that serum bilirrubin levels increase in complicated appendicitis cases and that it can be measured before appendectomy to predict severity levels.

Photogrammetric quantification of forward head posture in pregnant women

Background: forward head position is characterized by a dorso extension of the head together with the upper cervical spine (Cl-C3), accompanied by a flexion of the lower cervical spine (C4-C7), where the cervical curvature is increased, a condition called hyper lordosis, it is one of the most common problems occurred in pregnant women especially in 3rd trimester of pregnancy as a result of increasing abdominal weight, shifting of COG, breast enlargement, hyper laxity of ligaments.

Effect of cupping therapy on nitric oxide level in patients with cervical spondylosis

Background: Cervical spondylosis is a generalized disease process affecting all levels of the cervical spine. Cupping Therapy (CT) is an ancient method and currently used in the treatment of a broad range of medical conditions such as cervical spondylosis. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a signaling gas molecule that mediates vasodilation and regulates blood flow and several lines of evidence have indicated that NO plays a complex and diverse role in the modulation of pain.

Assessment of environmental degradation in Nigeria a case study of sahara desert in northern Nigeria

Environmental degradation is a process which lowers the current and/ or the potential capability of land to produce goods or services in terms of qualitatively. Soil degradation and deterioration of the physical chemical and biological characteristic of soil is one facet of environmental degradation since soil is an integral component of environment. The rate at which environmental degradation occur differs from a climatic zone to another in terms of its causes, short and long term consequences.