Health Sciences

Primary spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage in a teaching hospital in johannesburg, South Africa: demographic profile, clinical observations and review of the literature

Aim: To determine the demographics and clinical presentation of patients with primary spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (PSICH) referred for neurosurgical management. Patients and Methods: Consecutive patients (45) with a Computed Tomography (CT) scan confirmed diagnosis of PSICH over a 6-month were recruited for the study. Results: The patients were 13 (28.89%) females and 32 (71.11%) males. The mean age was 52 ± 11.44 yrs. There were 32 (71.11%) black patients, 8 (17.78%) Whites, 4 (8.89%) Coloured and 1 (2.22%) Indian.

A protocol for a randomized controlled study to determine the efficacy of intermittent fasting as a Management method for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Previous studies using intermittent energy restriction in overweight and obese people have demonstrated it to be an effective intervention in achieving weight loss, when compared to continuous energy restriction. Objective: We anticipate that intermittent fasting (IF) in the Malaysian population may be an effective intervention for the management of diabetes. We describe a protocol for a randomized controlled trial of intermittent fasting in Primary Care Clinics in Malaysia of 18 months’ duration, comparing 3 and 5 days of IF to usual care.

Antigenic bioconversion therapy—a new approach to the treatment of cancer

Spontaneous regression of malignant tumors occurs very rarely. Although this has been noted and described by many observers over the years, its cause and mechanism remain unknown. In my opinion the antigenic makeup of the malignant tumor changes from “self” to “foreign” as a result of exposure to a foreign biological agent due to a clinical or subclinical infection and that sets the stage for its rejection by the immune system. Based on this theory I have devised and introduced a new method of treating cancer that would provide customized therapy for each patient.

Effect of work-life balance on healthcare workers’ performance: a study of selected primary healthcare facilities in lagos state

Work-life balance can be defined as maintaining equilibrium between work and non-work activities. A great concern facing any organization regardless of its size or purpose is its ability to achieve the desired objectives. An imperative factor that has the power to enhance or hinder this ability is the performance of its employees. Human resource management faces a critical issue that deeply threatens the performance of employees and that is work life balance.

Different socio-demographic factors associated with different diseases (both communicable & non communicable) among different people of fdmn community in rohingya refugee settlement, cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Background: The Rohingya refugee crisis has resulted in a significant population of displaced individuals who are currently seeking refuge in refugee camps located in Bangladesh. These individuals are confronted with a multitude of health-related obstacles. In densely populated and resource-constrained environments, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including but not limited to diarrhea, tuberculosis (TB), dengue, and malaria, presents substantial hazards.

Effect of smartphone overuse on posture and flow meter among asthmatic patients

Background: smartphones this days became very important in our life for communication, work, learning, gaming. It is irreplaceable But it also has many of disadvantages , people using it for a very long time which called smartphone overuse and Unfortunately, all this time people spend using the smartphone is in a faulty posture for neck and shoulders. Which cause muscle imbalance around the neck and shoulders and itconsequently affect muscles of respiration.

Physics of the atom

With this subject who am I to speak? Was it not said: "Not to swim against the current?" Why then am I ignoring sound advice? Mainly because I have little choice, I was brought forth to teach, and I abhor falsehood. Since then I have brought forth the parts of nature to their nomenclature, I ought to complete upon it, if only to the welfare of future mankind.

Prevalencia de hipotensión arterial posterior a bloqueo subaracnoideo con ropivacaína isobárica en pacientes obstétricas sometidas a cesárea

Antecedentes: La hipotensión durante la anestesia neuroaxial para la cirugía cesárea es aún un problema clínico común, en particular en la anestesia espinal. Existen estudios sobre la presencia de la hipotensión al utilizar Ropivacaína intratecal en pacientes a quienes se les realizó cesárea, obteniendo una prevalencia variable. Existen estudios con reportes de hipotensión que va desde un 3% hasta reportes de un 30%, dando como resultado una menor prevalencia de hipotensión arterial en comparación con otros anestésicos locales.

Management of pedunculated lipoma w.s.r to medaja granthi by apamargaksharasutra ligation- a case study

The most prevalent benign tumour originating from fat cells is a lipoma. It is frequently referred to as a universal tumour or a widespread tumour. Modern science has described several different forms of lipomas, including the uncommon pedunculated lipoma, which is often treated by excision. In Ayurveda, lipoma can be compared with the Medaj Granthi. Ksharasutra ,which has a low recurrence rate, is the least invasive and established treatment of Ayurveda.