Health Sciences

Takayasu Arteritis Presenting with massive cerebral Ischemic Infarction Withsevere Unilateral renal artery Stenosis in a 28-Year-Old Male: A Case Report

Takayasu arteritis is a relatively rare type of large-vessel arteritis that primarily affects the aorta and its major branches, the coronary arteries, and the pulmonary arteries. Depending on the different groups of blood vessels involved in the disease process, the clinical presentation of Takayasu arteritis varies.Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic vasculitis disease of unknown etiology. Clinically significant renal disease is relatively common, and renovascular hypertension is the major renal problem.

Maternal mental health in china: Maternal anxiety

The aim of this review is to explore the factors contributing to poor maternal mental health that is prevalent in China and to evaluate what has been done so far, as areas for improvement will be deduced so that recommendations can be given. Some of the factors influencing maternal anxiety in China are: lack of access to appropriate counselling centres, preference for the male child, marital tensions and the low status of women in the Chinese society.

Targeting marginalized groups in sexual and reproductive care in Zambia: A literature review

Background: There are known marginalized groups in Zambia when it comes to sexual and reproductive health. These groups are, adolescents, women and girls seeking abortion, the LGBTQI community, sex workers, prisoners and persons living with disabilities. For health inequality and inequity to be achieved in Zambia, this issue must be addressed. Objectives: The aim of this review is to investigate the sexual and reproductive health accessibility among the marginalized groups in Zambia and to give recommendations of the gaps identified.

Rota-ablación exitosa a stents subexpandidos y reestenosados en descendente anterior

Con una técnica diferente de la angioplastia coronaria con balón, la aterectomía rotacional fue implementada en 1988, es una técnica de tratamiento endovascular contra la enfermedad aterosclerótica obstructiva o en subexpansión del stent, generando ganancia del lumen mediante la eliminación física de placa calcificada o del stentsubexpandido o reestenosado. Se ejecuta con la aplicación de una pequeña oliva que contiene puntas de diamante, el cual es transportado sobre un alambre guía en la lesión a tratar y se hace girar a 140.000-190.000 rpm mediante aire comprimido.

Utilization of educational school facilities among students in a selected tertiary institution in south east Nigeria

Background: Educational school facilities are indispensable in the teaching and learning process because they enhance understanding, application and retention of knowledge. Despite the importance of these educational facilities in increasing the performance of students, studies assessing their utilization are scarce. Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess the utilization of educational school facilities among students of a Nursing training institution in South East Nigeria.

Mental health and student worries in the college of medical sciences at the university of Guyana

Background: In the challenging realm of health-science education, a rigorous curriculum, combined with the expectations to thrive in a fiercely competitive environment, affects students' academic performance, physical health, and psychological well-being. Objective(s): This paper embarks on an exploration of mental health within the University of Guyana; College of Medical Sciences, contextualizing it within a global landscape of stress, anxiety, and depression that afflicts aspiring healthcare professionals.

El errado abordaje inicial en sicacest: Un desenlace fatal

El infarto agudo de miocardio se define como muerte celular por isquemia prolongada, y termina en la necrosis de miocitos, a causa de la disminución abrupta parcial o total del flujo sanguíneo hacia un territorio de miocardio. La reperfusión adecuada en tiempo y forma aseguran un mejor pronóstico a corto y largo plazo del paciente. La ruptura miocárdica forma parte del espectro de complicaciones mecánicas en razón de un inadecuado manejo.

Post burn contracture of hand -treatment and assessment in terms of quality of life in a tertiary care hospital of northern Uttar Pradesh

Background: Burn not only affects the survivor's physical health, but it also affects the survivor's psychological state. The most important thing for burn patients is survival, and then comes the disability part. Scarring causes not only disfigurement and a restriction in range of motion, but also a reduction in quality of life in people who have a low mental state.