Health Sciences

Study of relation between organ weights and body weight in adult population of vadodara region, gujarat

Knowledge of normal organ weights gives the doctors idea about of whether the organ is normal or not. So, it is very important for autopsy surgeons to know the organ weights. But, Organ weights probably depend on part on body weight of the individual. So, current study was undertaken at Mortuary complex of S.S.G. Hospital, Baroda during 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2015. Total 200 cases based on inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected and subjected to statistical analysis. Results obtained were compared with earlier studies.

The benefits of soy tempeh against in women with acne vulgaris

Background: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a skin disorder that most often encountered, nearly 80% of teenagers and young adults had suffered from AV, its pathogenesis is not clear, but some studies have shown that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the androgen that is most responsible, especially in women, there is a correlation between DHT by the number of lesions. Soy tempeh contains soy isoflavones with the active component genistein, daidzein and glycitein, consumption in Asian countries four times more than in western countries, with the average of 24-45 mg per day.

An evalution into the digital impression acquring technique- invitro study

An acrylic model of upper left anterior teeth(11,12,13),lower anterior(41,42,31), lower right posterior teeth (44,45,46)and lower left posterior(34,35,36) was prepared in typhodont with the standard set of burs which is suitable for ceramic preparation was used to achieve the controlled tooth substance removal.The preparation featured a 1.5mm occlusal height reduction, a 1mm of chamfer ended margin and an axial reduction of 1.5mm SPRAYING AND DIGITILIZATION: A totally 12 prepared tooth placed in the typhodont with the normal adjacent teeth and the typhodont mounted on the fantam head after

Lung Parenchyma Detection Using Segmentation Techniques

Segmentation is the one in which the digital image is partitioned into meaningful and understandable representation. Intensity inhomogeneity is the main problem in MRI scanned images which disables and makes it difficult for doctors in diagnosing the problems and is a time taking process. Discussing the pros and cons of different algorithms and finding the best algorithm for intensity inhomogeneity images which helps the doctors for easy analysis and diagnosis

Prevalence Of Anemia And Epidemiological Correlates Among School Going Adolescent Boys Of Vallabh Vidyanagar (Gujarat)

Objective: To study the prevalence of anemia among adolescent boys and correlate the socio-demographic profile with the prevalence. Materials and Method: Cross sectional population (N=500) for the study purpose was taken from schools of Vallabh Vidyanagar. The hemogram reports were assessed by the automated Hematology analyzer from a reputed pathological laboratory of Vallabh Vidyanagar. The statistical analysis was done using the SPSS 15.0 version for windows. Results: About 31.4 % were mildly anemic, 4% were moderately anemic and only 1.6% were severely anemic.

Oral Health Related Quality Of Life For Patients Treated With Complete Dentures, Removable And Fixed Partial Dentures

AIM: To describe the OHRQoL in patients treated with complete dentures, fixed or removable partial dentures. BACKGROUND: OHRQoL is a relatively new but rapidly growing notion. This concept, is significant in mainly three areas - clinical practice of dentistry, dental research and dental education. These are different approaches in measuring the OHRQoL, the most popular of which uses the multiple item questionnaire. Patients who are either partially or completely edentulous undergo a prosthodontic treatment.

Emotional Anguish: Pseduo-Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is hidden difficulties that affect many individuals who usually have average or above average intelligence, but are unable to achieve at their potential. It is a brain-based condition that makes it hard to make sense of numbers and math concepts. Individuals with dyscalculia learn maths, but they learn very slowly. They need to be taught in a way that makes it possible for them to use their abilities to compensate for their weaknesses. One of the serious consequences of dyscalculia is that children who suffer from them do poorly in school unless they are helped.