Health Sciences

Pulsed low frequency magnetic field on obese subjects

Background: Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive body fat that causes damage to the individual's health and is associated with comorbidities such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension and vascular dysfunction. Common traditional treatments utilized for obesity include medications, surgicalinterference, exercises and diet programs. Few studies have investigated magnetic field treatments for obesity. Purpose: Toinvestigate the effect ofpulsed low frequency magnetic field on obese subjects.

The urban“invisibles”: a sociological investigation

The process of urbanization, as a necessity for societal change, is always thought as a prerequisite for increasing the levels of national production and per capita GDP. But the recurring fact remains that in developing and least developed nations, poverty in terms of income, living conditions and the ever-growing demands to house these immigrants are not being met and is still a persistent feature in this 21st century (Kundu, 2003).

A comprehensive comparision of mpb64 based pcr assay versus microscopy and culture in the diagnosis of clinically suspected cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis

Background: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) often possesses a diagnostic dilemma in comparison to pulmonary tuberculosis which can be easily diagnosed by simple microscopy. Paucibacillary nature of specimens giving negative smear for acid fast bacilli, lack of granulomas on histopathology and failure to culture Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not exclude the diagnosis of EPTB. To overcome these limitations novel diagnostic methods of nucleic acid amplification like Polymerase Chain Reaction have been reported with good sensitivity and rapidity for diagnosis of EPTB.

Variant nerves in the infraclavicular part of brachial plexus

Ulnar nerve usually is a branch of the medial cord of brachial plexus. In a study conducted on 20 upper limbs, variation in its origin was observed in one right upper limb. Ulnar nerve had two roots of origin, one arising from the medial cord and another from the lateral cord. The rest of the course of the ulnar nerve was as usual. In another left upper limb a communicating branch was observed between the musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve.

Gastrointestinal and surgical specialties: challenges in clinical research

Background: The quality of a clinical research can be improved, and it´s results can become of a greater value, by exploring the advantages of the randomized controlled trial. This method has become widely explored in research trials given the concept that it is the only valid method that can ensure the results when comparing treatments. In some areas of knowledge, the use of only randomized controlled trial methods can present obstacles. Such studies must be approached with other tools to avoid doubtful bias and outcomes.

Assisted reproductive technology: a brief discussion

As many as one in six couples will encounter problems with fertility, defined as failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after regular intercourse for 12 months. Increasingly, couples are turning to assisted reproductive technology (ART) for help with conceiving and ultimately giving birth to a healthy live baby of their own. With this in mind, it is important that each step of the ART cycle is supported by good evidence from well-designed studies. Herein, the health economics research in this area are critically appraised.

Prevalence of ocular morbidity amongst industrial workers in goa, india

Objective: To study the prevalence and nature of ocular morbidity amongst the industrial workers in select industries in Goa. Material and methods: Three industries were purposefully chosen for the study. The industries studied were: a chemical and fertilizer industry; a ship building industry and a rubber tyres manufacturing industry. The total worker strength at the selected three industries of 2886 was the study population for this study. The study was conducted ‘on site’ through a mobile eye care unit. Each worker was subjected to thorough ophthalmic evaluation.

Epidemiological study of socio-demographic and cultural determinants of domestic violence, among married women

Introduction: Domestic violence against women is a serious public health concern in every community and culture (Hyman I 2000). It has drawn attention from the medical community because it has a negative and harmful impact on the mental, physical, and social health of women (Heise L et al 1999) (Jewkes R 2002),( Diaz O.2002) and (Keeling J 2004). The world health organization reports that the proportion of women who had ever experienced physical or sexual violence or both by an intimate partner ranged from 15% to 71%, with the majority between 29% and 62% (who 2007).

Comparison 0f different impression procedures on tissue displacement

Background: In bilateral partial edentulous condition modified Mc Lean’s Impression technique is most commonly advised, this over impression procedure may be time consuming clinically and possible errors too can be induced while recording. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy ofsingle custom tray using medium body elastomeric impression material overmodified Mc Lean’s impression procedure using Zinc oxide eugenol impression paste. Material and Methods: Six patients were selected with bilateral edentulous span in mandibular arch with at least all the molars missing.

Cracked tooth syndrome- a review

Cracked Tooth Syndrome is a common condition. In a major percent of cases etiology is primarily the after effect of a dental procedure .The patient is often unable to identify the offending tooth or quadrant involved, and may report a history of a dental procedure with unsatisfactory results. Clinicians need to have a thorough understanding regarding this concept to mitigate the commencement of crack propagation in tooth after a restorative procedure.