Life Sciences

The truth of the “tree of life” as a dna based on the prof. momtchil dobrev’s “vortex field theory” , prof. momtchil dobrev’s “cosmological theory of the information” , prof. momtchil dobrev’s “absolute theory” and prof. momtchil dobrev’s and prof. ma

In this paper is described the explanation that the real life tree of different civilizations is represented by human DNA based on THEORY OF THE UNIEVRSUM developed by Prof. Mariola Gariova and Prof. Lord Momtchil Döbrev - Halachev in the Year 2005, Basics of the Cosmological Theory of Information and Vortex Field Theory developed by Lord Prof. Momtchil Döbrev - basic structure of the unionvrsum ".

The prosecution – its structure and role in the mafiotismus – on the examples in bulgaria and european commission based on the momtchil dobrev’s “theory and praxis of mafiotismus”

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2008 “Theory of generating of crises “, 2010 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “Theory of the mafia”. Based on these two theories this paper explane the establishment of the mafiotismus all over the world – principles, theory and praxis in European Union, European Commission and in the Republic Bulgaria

Research proving the truth about depresses such as mental disorder based on prof. momtchil dobrev-halachev “theory of vortex fields” and “cosmological theory of information” and prof. mariola garibova’s and prof. momtchil dobrev-halachev’s “theory of uni

In this paper are described studies of the team of Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Prof. Mariola Garibova proving the truth about depression as a mental disorder based on THEORY OF THE UNIVERSUM developed by Prof. Mariola Gariova and Prof. Lord Momtchil Döbrev - Halachev in the Year 2005, Basics of the Cosmological Theory of Information and Vortex Field Theory developed by Lord Prof. Momtchil Döbrev - basic structure of the unionvrsum".

Regulation and control of potato tuber dormancy and sprouting

Potato crop is one of the most important vegetable crops. Potato tubers are the economic part used in human nutrition and at the same time the part used for multiplying. Tubers enter obligatory dormancy when they mature. The dormancy of tubers comprises a wide range of physiological and biochemical processes. The status and duration of dormancy depend on the genetic background, tuber's development stage, environmental conditions and operations during tuber's growth and storage. Abscisic acid and ethylene maintain the dormancy of the tuber.

Observations on some adult parazitoids (diptera; tachinidae) of sunn pest (eurygaster integriceps put.) (heteroptera; scutelleridae) on overwintering area of adiyaman nemrut mountain

In this study, parasitation rate of adult parasitoids (Diptera, Tachinidae) on Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps (Put.) (Heteroptera, Scutelleridae) and parasitoid species were determined in the overwintering are in Adıyaman Mountain, Turkey. According to the results, Four Tachinid parasitoid species were determined from Nemrut Mountain Overwintering area in Adıyaman. These, Heliozeta helluo (F.), Phasia subcoleoptrata (L.), Ectophasia oblonga (R.D), Elomyia lateralis (Meig) were determined.

Dolichos bean: an underutilized and unexplored crop with immense potential

Dolichos is an oldest leguminous crop knows to man. It grows in dry and semi-arid regions of Asia, Africa and America. In India, it is popular in south, east and north-east parts of the country for vegetable, pulse and fodder purpose. It is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, and is a major source of protein for South Indian diet. It also provides nutritious green fodder to milch animals. Apart from being draught tolerant, it has high adaptability to wide range of production conditions.

Microbiological quality of various milk miles produced in urban environment in Niger

Milk, a complete, easily perishable food is processed to increase its shelf life, often even at the household level.One of its by-products,the curd of large consumption in Niger, could be at the origin of certain infections.The objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the hygienic quality of curd produced in households and small milk production units of Niamey.60 milk samples were collected including 30 raw and 30 curds.Thus, total aerobic mesophilic flora, total coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli , and Salmonella were determined.

The principles of the prof momtchil dobrev’s “financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” – element of the momtchil dobrev’s “theory and praxis of mafiotismus”

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2010 “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based principle materialismus since more than 17 century.08 “Theory of generating of crises”, 2010 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “ Theory of the mafia”. Based on these two theories this paper explane the establishment of the mafiotismus all over the world – principles, theory and praxis in European Union , European Commission and in the Republic Bulgaria

Bio-surfactants: a package of environmental and industrial benefits

Bio-surfactants are surface-active compounds are chemically synthesized and commonly used in almost every sector of recent industry that produced by several microorganisms such as; bacteria, fungi, and yeast varying in their chemical properties and molecular sizes. Bio-surfactants are classified into six main types based on their different properties and producer. There are five factors affect practically on the bio-surfactant production, such as; producer organism, carbon and (substrate) nitrogen sources, trace elements, temperature, and aeration.

Attitude towards breastfeeding among rural women

Attitudes and confidence among women can predict the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. The longer duration of breastfeeding, the more advantages there are for both mother and child. The aim of this study was to explore how the attitudes and the confidence were among breastfeeding mothers, impart scientific information and techniques of breastfeeding practices to the women and evaluate the impact of the programme. The total sample size of the study was 500 women were drawn from five blocks of Coimbatore district.