Life Sciences

Analysis of factors influencing consumer’s buying decision of teh pucuk harum

Results of this research showed that all factors, i.e. buying decision, artist, television advertising media, price, and product quality gave significant effects on brand awareness. Meanwhile, total effect of variables artist, television advertisement media, price product quality on buying decision through brand awareness gives significant effect. Research method is illustrated by path analysis to easily observe the impacts that are being studied. The cause and effect path was established from variables being used.

Effect of rooting hormone and growing media on sapling production of black pepper

An experiment was conducted in the nursery of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Akbarpur, Moulvibazar; where IBA, NAA, and IAA were used for rooting of black pepper (BARI Black Pepper1: Jainta Gulmorich) on three growing media (soil:cowdung: coco dust, loamy soil, and wet sand). From this experiment, it is evident that growing media has less effect on proliferation of black pepper cuttings where Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was found effective for providing conditions for rooting as well as survivability in the long run.

Near synonyms and the feature of word sketch difference of the sketch engine: a case study of the english adjectives brave: courageous

The study examines a linguistic phenomenon of near synonyms investigated by one of the features in a corpus tool of Sketch Engine namely Word Sketch Difference. The feature functions to compare and contrast two words through collocation analysis by presenting their collocates categorized on the basis of grammatical relation. Using the data derived from the English Web Corpus 2013 (enTenTen13), the present research aims to explore near synonyms by observing the usage of the English adjectives Brave: Courageous by employing the analyses of collocation.

Validity and reliability of arabic version of kujala scale to measure patellofemoral pain

Background: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) has a debilitating effect on sufferers, daily lives by reducing their ability to perform sporting and work related activities pain free. The Kujala Patellofemoral Disorder Score (KPS) was particularly designed and developed for the assessment of patients having anterior knee pain as well as patellofemoral conditions.

Lip licking behavior in captive malayan tapirs (tapirus indicus): manifestation of a stereotypic or stress related response?

Malayan tapirs are highly endangered and wild populations are fast declining. Thus, captive breeding programs in zoos and governmental breeding centers are the most promising conservation strategy for this species. Despite being common, lip licking, a type of oral behavior, has received little attention in the past, and impacts on the welfare of captive Malayan tapirs have not been quantified.

Effectiveness of early warning system in coastline communities in camarines sur, Philippines

The study determined the degree of effectiveness of Early Warning System (EWS) in the selected coastline communities in Camarines Sur, Philippines. The researcher used descriptive method and structured questionnaire was employed to determine the degree of effectiveness of household communities. The results of the study on the degree of effectiveness on EWS along property: Lessen damages to houses ranked first with the highest mean score of 3.10 while to prevent vehicles and equipment ranked last with amean rating of 2.76, both interpreted as effective.

Upsurge in domestic sewage generation - a growing urban environmental management crisis in Port harcourt, Nigeria

This study examined contemporary urban environmental management crises with focus on increasing rates of domestic sewage generation in Port Harcourt. It adopted the use of cross – sectional research design where both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data were generated through the use of field observations, oral interviews and 5005 copies of questionnaire administered in ten stratified randomly selected areas. Ten research assistants were used for data collection in each zone. Six research questions and six specific objectives guided the study.

Nutritional quality and recovery test based on a weaning flour enriched with cucurbita pepo seed in niger

Like other countries, in Niger porridge is the first complementary food for young children. At home, to make porridges, the use of flour or mixture of cereal-based flour of nutritional value remains to be desired. To make our contribution to the improvement of the quality of these flours, a flour enriched with seeds of cucurbits was produced. This flour is composed of a cereal (millet), leguminous (cowpea) and seeds of Cucurbitapepo and manufactured in an industrial environment to ensure the respect of the norms in the matter.

Lipase production from myroides odoratimimus (sks 05) and hptlc analysis of purified lipase

Background: Microbes play an important role in the area of biodegradation. In order to reduce the damages caused due to oil spills, preliminary study on the role of Myroides odoratimimus obtained from chicken in the biodegradation of diesel hydrocarbons. Objectives: Production of Lipase from Myroides odoratimimus (SKS 05) through solid state fermentation using different substrates and characterization of Lipase enzyme produced from fermentation. Checking its purity through HPTLC analysis. Methods: Lipase enzyme production through submerged and solid state Fermentation.

A comparative analysis of dischargemeasurement techniques on a second order tributary in zariausing the velocity area methods

A comparison has been made between stream discharge values using the Current metre method and the Float method for a small river in Zaria. This was made in order to establish the most effective method for measuring stream discharge in a small river. Result observed from this study shows that the river discharges from the two techniques are similar and there is no statistical difference between the two. This means that both the current metreand the float method were both suitable for the stream discharge measurement on the stream channel.