Life Sciences

Bullying in school: addressing bullying status and behavioral correlates among school children-a review

School bullying has become an issue of serious concern in the past two decade.Bullying is characterized by repeated physical or psychological intimidation that can have longstanding effects for victims and bullies alike. These articles present information on the impacts and directions of different subgroups of bullies and victims, highlight the important buffering role that positive adults and school officials can play in preventing the negative effects of bullying and victimization, and emphasize the importance of considering school contexts.

“High density poly ethylene nylon netting in runner beans (phaseolus vulgaris) picks up the superiority & extent of fruits under rain fed up land farming situation”

Agriculture plays a vital role of our national economy. Most of our culture traditions are linked with crop production. However concentration of farming communities decreasing Day by Day due to hardiness in crop management and post planting operation in crop field such as application of nutrients, plant protection majors, quality fruit production related operations & harvesting mechanisms etc.

“Poly mulch in exotic vegetable diminishing cost of cultivation in north – eastern ghats agro climatic zone of odisha, india”

Agriculture is the most important source of income of our country, where as due increase in evaporation of water & nutrient from soil in open condition, fluctuations in soil temperature, abundant population of unwanted plants in crop field, heavy damage of crop roots & high human days input cost reduces interest in agricultural farming among young generation and for livelihood, agricultural farm families migration increasing Day by Day.

Integrated geological investigation for solid waste disposal site selection for akola city (m.s.) india and impacts on rural agriculture and underground water, by using high resolution remote sensing gis techniques

GIS and remote sensing can be used to analyze the spatial characteristics of the data over various digital layers. Solid waste and their proper disposal t is a global environmental problem in today’s world. Solid waste and its disposal site were determined of Akola City, Maharashtra, India, through the integration of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing techniques. Geologically the area coves by the Deccan trap basalt and Purna alluvium of the upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene and Quaternary formation.

Ethnomedicnal uses of medicinal plants of local vaidyas of badami district bagalkot

Traditional knowledge of local vaidhyas about medicinal plants and their importance in local health care is well known since Vedic period.Plants are considered as divine in origin and were worshipped as Mother(Goddess). Screening of medicinal plants has become a potential source of bio-dynamic compounds of therapeutic value in phytochemical researches. Ethnobotanical documentation is one way of capturing this body of knowledge.

Superconductivity, according to the new axioms and laws

The article describes the application of brand new field type through New Axioms and Laws. The present study uses Expanded Field Theory. It changes the Classic Field Theory to a much more general theory that consists of 2 new axioms and 8 laws. It was described from previous works of the same author. In this report is used only 1 axioms and 6 laws only. It is known that Maxwell’s laws (1864) are based on a single axiom [1]. It states that the movement in a closed loop leads to evenly movement (with constant speed) of a vector E: div rot E = 0.

Recomendações na terapia nutricional no paciente grave com covid-19

Em todo o mundo, hospitais estão se reestruturando para o atendimento de pacientes graves com COVID-19, hospitais de campanha sendo erguidos por todo o território nacional, especialmente para o atendimento dos gravemente enfermos ou críticos, cujo status muda rapidamente, geralmente com infecções de múltiplos órgãos, que requerem o apoio da equipe multidisciplinar. Dessa forma, o papel do nutricionista tem sido primordial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de tratamento nutricional, integrado e personalizado para cada paciente internado com suspeita ou diagnóstico de COVID-19.

The public, military and boko haram: a criminological diagnosing

Whatever it is, Crime takes from law (either written or unwritten) and qualified by existence of application of punishment for an act defined so by a group concerned. And public is a group of people who, in facing a similar problem, recognize it and organize themselves to address it. The military on the other hand is generally consisting of an Army, Navy, Air force, and in certain countries the Marines and Coast Guard are forces authorized to use lethal or deadly force and weapons to support the interest of the state and some or all of its citizens.

Integration of geoinformatics and ahp model for soil site suitability analysis for the major crops in sohag, Egypt

Land evaluation procedure given by FAO for soil site suitability for various land utilization types has been used to assess the land suitability for major crops in Sohag Governorate, Egypt. The database on soil, land use/land cover was generated from data derived from Landsat ETM+ remote sensing satellite and soil survey to perform an integrated analysis in the geographic information system environment. Agricultural and non-agricultural lands were delineated using the Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) and non-agricultural areas were masked out for removal from the analysis.

Perceived barriers on reporting medical errors

Background: Medical errors are one of the most important issues in the field of public health in which patients’ safety is threatened (Grober & Bohnen, 2005). Medication errors are among the most prevalent medical errors leading to morbidity and mortality worldwide. Objective: This study assessed Medical error reporting among nursing students. The objectives were; (1) To assess the perceived barriers related to reporting of medical errors. (2) To find out the causes of medication error reporting.