Life Sciences

Isolation of antagonistic bacteria against fungal phytopathogen from paddy field of Kancheepuram district

The objective of this study was to isolate and test the efficacy of pseudomonas aeruginosa which produces antifungal substances, to inhibit plant pathogenic fungi. The soil bacterium pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from the Rhizosphere soil, showed high antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia solani, isolated from Rhizosphere region of rice (Oryzasativa) plant using dual culture and volatile assay. The isolated bacteria were subjected to antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia solani. The four (4) isolates were selected out of eleven.

Application of eburru rocks from kenya as urea carrier agents

Application of Eburru rock samples as urea fertilizer carrier agents was conducted using sorption studies. Characterization by EDS, FT-IR and XRD was done on the samples to determine their zeolite comparativeness. Urea loading and release studies were done through simple aqueous immersion techniques or wet chemistry techniques. The results from these studies indicated that close to 33% of urea could be loaded into the Eburru rock samples within 24 hours equilibration duration, of which 74% net loaded urea could be released in aqueous medium within the 18 experimental days.

Determination of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum ureain normal pregnant women in thedifferent trimesters in shendi locality, sudan

Background: Pregnancy has being found to be associated with changes in serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum urea and this differs with each trimester. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Shendi locality. The patients underwent a clinical assessment, which included history (a questionnaire) and clinical examination. 160 women were divided into four group’s non pregnant, 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy respectively. The age limits was 12 to 40 years.

Solution processing of ruthenium doped zno on calcium aluminum silicate beads and their application in photodegradation of organic dyes

Solution processing of ruthenium (Ru+) doped ZnO nanoparticles on surface of calcium aluminum silicate beads were carried out under solvothermal conditions (T, 150oC; P, autogenous; duration, 4h). The reagent grade ZnO, ruthenium and calcium aluminum silicate beads (CASB) material were used as starting materials along with methanol as a solvent and thus obtained ruthenium doped ZnO coated calcium aluminum silicate beads were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, SEM, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV spectroscopy.

Allelopathic potential of carica papayaleaf extracton growth and biochemical constituents of phaseolus aureus

Carica papaya is known to influence the growth of plants in its vicinity by the release of the allelochemicals during the decomposition of its litter. The purpose of this study is to assess the allelopathic effects of Carica papaya aqueous leaf extraction seedgermination characteristics, primary growth and biochemical changes associated with Phaseolus aureus. For the study, C papaya aqueous leaf extract of dry mature leaves of concentrations viz., 0. 1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and0.5% were made, while tap water served as control.

Antioxidative properties of moringa oleifera: a review

The Free radicals play an important role in the pathogenesis of several human diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Natural antioxidants present in food of plant origin protect against these radicals and are therefore important tools in obtaining and preserving good health. Moringa oleifera Lam. (drumstick tree, horseradish tree) is an indigenous tree from northwestern India and is often cultivated in hedges and home yards. The tree is valued mainly for the tender pods, which are esteemed as a vegetable. Flowers and young leaves are also eaten as vegetables.

Antioxidant dendrimers with schiff’s base: synthesis and in-vitroanalysis

Dendrimers with anthranilate derived Schiff’s base as surface unit were synthesized by divergent approach and their absorption, emission and anti-oxidant properties were carried out. The absorption, emission and anti-oxidant property increases with increase in the generation of dendrimers and the anti-oxidant behaviour shows to be dose dependent.

Phenotypic diversity of acer ginnala (aceraceae) in china under environmental conditions

Acer ginnala (Aceraceae) is a multipurpose shrub with significant economic and ecological value in China. Considering the fact that various natural and anthropogenic pressures might bring about serious influences to morphological diversity of Acer ginnala. In this context, thirty-four phenotypic traits were analyzed to explore the phenotypic variation and pattern of 19 Acer ginnala populations by principal component analysis (PCA), nested analysis and cluster analysis. A correlations between phenotypic traits and environment factors were used pearson's correlation coefficient.

The evaluation of tundub (capparis deciduas pax) seed oil and its blend as a promising source of edible oil in sudan

This study was carried out to evaluate Tundub (Capparis decidua Pax) seed oil for different nutritional and industrial uses. The nutritional values were evaluated by measuring physicochemical properties, fatty acids profile and antioxidants of oil. The industrial value was evaluated by blending Tundub oil with sunflower oil for frying potato chips from oils in addition to sensory evaluation.

Phytochemical screening, antioxidant analysis and antiproliferative effect of costus pictus d. don leaf extracts

This study was aimed to investigate the phytochemical constituents, antioxidant and anti cancer potential of Costus pictus D.Don leaf extracts. Three different solvents ethanol, petroleum ether and aqueous were used for extraction. Phytoconstituents of the extracts were analysed by standard methods. DPPH, FRAP and Total antoxidant activity are the methods used for investigation of antioxidant potential of different extracts of C.pictus leaves. Anti cancer potential of leaf extracts were studied against breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7).