Life Sciences

Ethnopharmacology study and phytochemical screening of twelve ivorian antimalaria plants

Plants provide complicated, mixed, and distinct non nutrient elements which act as the main basis of drug discovery. Plant extracts contain phytochemical constituents for miscellaneous medicinal activities which are bioactive in nature. There is growing interest in the use of plants for the treatment and prevention of malaria. Medicinal plants are currently being evaluated as source of promising antimalaria agents. In this study, we have investigated the ethnopharmacology study and phytochemical screening of twelve traditional antimalaria plants.

Phytochemical screening, antioxidant property and anticancer potential against mcf-7 cell lines of vernonia cinerea leaves

To screen the phytochemicals present in petroleum ether, ethanol and aqueous extracts of leaves of Vernonia cinerea and to evaluate its antioxidant potential and anticancer activity against breast cancer cell lines. Extracts were prepared by allowing the leaf powder to react with respective solvents with continuous agitation; it is then filtered and condensed. The extracts are then screened for its phytocompounds by preliminary screening methods. Antioxidant activity was detected by DPPH, FRAP and Total Antioxidant Activity Assays Ethanol extract shown the presence of more phytochemicals.

Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficient studies in commercial varieties of gladiolus

Present investigations on phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients in gladiolus were carried out on important qualitative and quantitative traits. Phenotypic and genotypic traits revealed positive association in desired characters. Informations on phenotypic and genotypic aspects showed considerable correlations in different trades of commercial varieties which can be taken in the programmes of further making improvement in this important floriculture industrial crop.

Molecular characterization of lactic acid bacteria involved in togolese traditional fermented cereal foods

Togolese population consumes more than twenty varieties of foodstuffs with a fermentation step in the production chain. The microorganisms involved in this production are mainly Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). To learn more about these bacteria and to develop strategies to ensure the safety, health and the conservation of these foods, this research was conducted. A total of 50 LAB strains were isolated from cereals fermented dough.

Distribution and economic importance of (aphis) craccivora koch, 1854 (aphidini: aphidinae: aphididae: hemiptera) and its food plants in india

Aphis (Aphis) cracciovora Koch is a polyphagous aphid and is a major pest of legume crops. The diversity of its host range in India includes plants belonging to over 200 species/subspecies under 46 plant families. Plants belonging to following families are highly infested: Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae and Solanaceae.


Exposure to information and engagement in social media as an attempt to attract young voters in the elections

Young people are often considered to be the group that does not care and apathetic toward politics, but their voices are important for the development of democracy. Therefore, efforts should be made to encourage them to participate in an election that has become a symbol of democracy. Social media is able to change the view as well as encouraging young people to become more actively involved as citizens, including participating in the elections. This research aims to study the effects of exposure to social media content on the university students' knowledge of elections.

In-vivo anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of wattakaka volubilis (asclepiadaceae)

The present work evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of Wattakaka volubilis against the carrageenan induced rat paw oedema in Wister Albino rats at dose dependent manner (150 and 300mg/kgbody weight). Our results showed that the methanolic extract of W. volubilis gives a strongest anti-inflammatory activity (71.7%) werecompare to the standard drug as indomethacin.

Studies on determination of flavonoids from wrightia tinctoria r. br and amorphophallus campanulatus (roxb)

Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) is an important tuberous plant with medicinal potential belongs to Family Araceae, largely cultivated throughout the plains of India. The A. campanulatus (Roxb.) contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, phenol and tannins. The Wrightia tinctoria R.Br native to India and have reported to contains presence of glycoflavones, iso-orientin, phenolic acid and also various compounds like lupeol, stigmasterol and competosterol. The present work intends concentrated to determination of flavonoids present in corm of A.

Phytochemical screening, gc-ms analysis and antibacterial activity of vernonia cinerea leaves

To perform preliminary phytochemical screening, GC-MS analysis and to study the antimicrobial activity of Petroleum ether, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Vernonia cinerea leaves. Leaves of Vernonia cinerea was shade dried, powdered and extracted with respective solvents. The extracts were then screened for phytocompounds, the petroleum ether and ethanol extracts were analysed by GC-MS to detect the compounds present in the polar and non polar solvent extracts of the leaves.

Effects of auto exhaust pollution on foliar morphological structure of road side shrub species, bougainvillea spectabilis

Auto exhaust pollution serve as the major driver of the deteriorating air quality in Rewa city. This study aims to investigate the effects of auto exhaust pollution on foliar morphological structure of road side ornamental shrub species, Bougainvillea spectabilis. Increased number of stomata and epidermal cells per unit area in leaf samples of Bougainvillea spectabilis collected from polluted sites than those from control sites is observed by light microscopic technique.