Life Sciences

Buerger’s disease-where’s the relief?: A critical review

Buerger’s disease is a chronic disorder, also known as Thrombo- AngitisObliterance (TAO). It is a nonatherosclerotic, segmental inflammatory disease that most commonly affects the smalland medium-sized arteries and veins in the upper and lower extremities. It frequently occurs in cigarette smokers. Poor hygiene, genetic factors, autonomic over-activity are other factors for this disease. Buerger’s disease presents with rest pain, intermittent claudication, discoloration and gangrene formation.

Application of silicone based finish on cotton fabric and its effect on water absorbency and antibacterial activity

Cotton fabric was finished with lab prepared silicone finish (F1). It was developed and applied on cotton fabric by pad-dry-cure method for enhancing water absorbency and antibacterial activity. Untreated (F0) and treated (F1) cotton fabric samples were tested for water absorbency using water drop put on the fabrics and recorded the absorption time, by standard test method AATCC Test Method 79-2007 and the antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus by AATCC test method 90-2011. Physical properties: stiffness, crease recovery angle and tensile strength were also evaluated.

Studies on the sanganour oodai effluent on germination and seedling growth of capsicum annum

The major open drainage sanganour oodai system, Which has intricate linkage with storm water supply domestic sewage and industrial effluent disposal, water samples from collected and analyzed for physical-chemical parameters to assess the water quality of the Sanganur oodai systems. The study revealed that physical-chemical parameter like PH,EC,TDS,DO,BOD,COD, and the effect of the effluent on the crop plant (Capsicum annum ) has been investigated the days of emergence, germination percentage ,shoot length, root volume, biochemical parameters ,protein, carbohydrates , and.

Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of medicinal orchid malaxis rheedei sw. against some selected pathogens

The antimicrobial activity of whole plant extracts of Malaxis rheedei Sw was evaluated in vitro, using disc diffusion method. Four different extracts were used which included chloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. Five species of bacterial strains namely Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae and fungus strains Aspergillus flavus, Trichophyton rubrum, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Cryptococcus neoformans were used for the present study.

Evaluation of in vivo antiinflammatory activity of ethanol extract of aristolochia bracteata retz whole plant in rats

The present study was aimed for scientific evaluation of the antiinflammatory activity of ethanol extract of Aristolochia bracteata Retz whole plant by in vivo carrageenan induced paw edema model in albino rats. Ethanol extract showed dose dependent antiinflammatory activity. The ethanol extract has shown a significant (p< 0.001) percentage inhibition of paw edema 80.79% and 87.70% on 3 hour at 200 and 400 mg/kg respectively. The study was compared with standard drug indomethacin 85.11% (10mg/kg).

mpact of different types of anesthesia with different level on some characteristics of common carp (cyprinuscarpio l.)

Handlings and transport of fish are the most stressful procedures in aquaculture. The anesthetic efficacy of two types of natural anesthetics in both forms of powder and oil were evaluated on young common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) with the mean weight of 60±10g for handling and health management experiments. These works were conducted in the laboratory of fish research in the Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at University of Sulaimani. The study included three experiments.

Changes in the biochemical components in the tissues of fresh water fish, catla catla exposed to electroplating effluent

Electroplating is considered a major polluting industry because it discharges toxic materials and heavy metals through waste water, air emissions and solid wastes in environment. It was found that a large amount of metals and chemicals is disposed into main stream without treatment as they have no effective measures for treatment or recovery of metals in unorganized sectors. The biochemical components like protein, carbohydrate and lipid were estimated quantitatively in the tissues of gill, liver, kidney and muscle of control and electroplating effluent treated fishes.

The effect of quinalphos on histopatholagical changes in the liver of fresh water fish, anabas testudineus

Histopathological changes have been widely used as biomarkers in the evaluation of the health of fish exposed to contaminants, both in the laboratory and field studies. One of the great advantages of using histopathological biomarkers in environmental monitoring is that this category of biomarkers allows examining specific target organ including liver that are responsible for vital functions. Alternations found in these organs are normally easier identifying than functional ones.

Assessment of host-plants and their interaction with the different species of butterflies in gir protected area, Gujarat, India

The present study is based on host-range and food preferences of butterflies, encountered in and adjacent to the Gir National Park, Gujarat, India. The larval host plants of 67 butterfly species were identified and their host specificity, abundance, perennation were recorded. Out of 74 host-plants, 22 were identified as annuals, 3 bi-annual and 49 perennials. These plant species are further categorised as to belong to different plant categories which include 21 trees, 22 herbs, 24 shrubs, 6 Climbers and one species of plant parasite.

Toxicity effect of heavy metal copper on total lipid alteration in the fish tilapia mossambicus

Impact of heavy metal copper is common pollutants of freshwater ecosystems where they induce adverse effects on the aquatic biota. Freshwater fish, Tilapia mossambicus is an important carp species in Tamil Nadu region having good nutritional values. Fishes living in close association with may accumulate heavy metals. In the present study, the toxic effects of heavy metal copper LC50 1.8 mg/L on alterations in the total lipid content of freshwater fish, Tilapia mossambicus in the different tissues of gill, kidney, liver and muscle were estimated.