Social Sciences and Humanities

A study on a swing to financial crises within organization

Today, the increasing Organization can afford many types of losses but facing losses caused due to financial crises is costlier. Financial Crises leads to financial instability within the organization. the consequences of financial crises may cause disastrous results for the organization. Financial Crises is very common within any organization but this issue is rarely discussed. Taking a track record of occurrence of various financial crises that leads to winding up of organization our research work is based two major causes of financial crises.

Exploring activity-based teaching strategy on academic performance of islamic studies students in senior secondary schools in katsina local government area

The study investigated the difference in academic performance of Islamic studies students taught using activity-based teaching strategy and those taught using traditional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Katsina Metropolis. One objective and one corresponding research question as well as one hypothesis were formulated to guide the researcher.A quasi experimental pre-test, post-test design was used for the study. The study sampled 118 out of a total population of 12,169 of Islamic studies students from tworandomly selected Senior Secondary schools (SS II).

The influence of leadership on employee working motivation of pt mandala finance branch office, Majene Regency, West sulawesi province

A manager’s leadership style will definitely influence working motivation and automatically encourage the performance of the employees. The purpose of this study was to figure out (1) the leadership style found in Mandala Finance of Majene branch office; (2) employees’ motivation in working for Mandala Finance of Majene, and (3) whether there is the influence of leadership style on employee motivation of Mandala Finance of Majene.

Perceptive views of lecturers on team teaching for effective instructional delivery in office technology and management programmes in polytechnics in Delta State, Nigeria

The study was designed to identify the perceptive views of lecturers on team teaching for effective instructional delivery in Office Technology and Management (OTM) programmes. The forty (40) lecturers in OTM programmes in the three Polytechnics in Delta State formed the population for the study. The study was a survey research design. Two questions which were validated by three experts were used for the study. The questionnaires were subjected to reliability test using Cronbach Alpha formula which yielded 0.87 and 0.79 respectively.

Burden of care, social support and psycho-pathological symptoms among caregivers of children with psychological disorders

The 2016 WHO statistics show that the African region still bore the highest burden of care reporting 587 Disability Adjustable Life Years (DALYs) per 1000 population. The burden of caring for individuals with mental illness is high globally, more so when there is no commensurate social support for the caregivers. There is a crevice of literature from Nigerian studies on the link between burden of care, social support and psychopathological symptoms.

The study of verb-forming affixes in turkic languages

The article, based on an analysis of scientific works on one of the pressing issues of the Turkic languages - verb-forming affixes, shows that in early studies they were studied formally, in connection with morphology. And modern scientific achievements require the study of not only verb-forming, but also all word-forming affixes in a functional-semantic sense, based on the semantics that arose as a result of the relationship between the producing and derived roots.

A study on the customer preference towards online streaming services

The competition between cable television and online streaming services increases because of the digital media expansion. Acquiring customers today takes quite just advertising; it requires tailoring business objectives to the requirements and needs of consumers. Numerous studies have examined the connection between the adoption of cable and online media, and key variables like cost, simple use, and social trends. During this study, we explore variety of things which consumers consider when choosing online streaming options.

The role of smart management in achieving competitive advantage in a complex competitive environment in Egypt

The smart management has continually been a source of achieving competitive advantage in most developing countries. This study examined the relationship between smart management and achieving competitive advantage in Egypt using secondary data obtained from the annual reports of companies. However, the study noted that the smart management, tend to have a positive effect on achieving competitive advantage.

Knowledge and attitude towards digital radiography among dentists

Background: Digital imaging modalities which are recently developed offer better options by significantly reducing the dosage of radiation exposed and at the same time offer better quality with user- friendly options. Such things must be made known to the dentists which will in turn benefit the patient as well. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitude towards digital radiography among dentists.

Intervenciones de enfermería independientes como estrategia delautocuidado de los pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades oncohematologicas en el centro médico naval

El cáncer se ha convertido en un gran problema de salud actual, considerada como una enfermedad mortal, la cual genera no solo un gran impacto físico, emocional y psicológico sino también económico por el proceso de su tratamiento, modificando la dinámica familiar, donde los rolescambian de manera drástica, siendo el menor afectado el centro de atención.