Social Sciences and Humanities

Novice researchers in senior high school: a phenomenological study

This study aimed to describe the lived experience of the senior high school student-researchers of the Academic track and the Technical Vocational and Livelihood track in accomplishing their research work in terms of (1) selecting their research topic (2) collecting and organizing related studies (3) preparing the research proposal (4) conducting the research and (5) writing the research paper. This paper also ought to investigate the impact of research to the senior high school students despite the difficulties encountered in the aforementioned stages.

Society-Oriented Responsibility A Compass To Sustainable Growth: Case Of Kwazulu Natal Smes

In the South African economy, SMEs have been identified as productive drivers of inclusive economic growth and development around the world. SMEs makeup 91 per cent of formalised businesses, provide employment to about 60 per cent of the labour force and total economic output accounts for roughly 34 per cent of Gross Domestic Product of the country. Given the critical socio-economic role played by SMEs, it is vital that they grow and succeed.

Exploring basic modes of expression in english poetry

This article attempts to explore basic modes of expression in English poetry. A number of poetic lines or stanzas from diverse poems composed by various poets have been presented as a sample to explore the varied modes of expression in English poetry. Presentation and description of poetic lines that indicate the modes of expression are executed as a method of analysis of verse lines that function as data. This article can turn to be useful to those who are interested in studying and teaching English poetry.

Dissemination of health research information at muhimbili university of health and allied sciences library: channels and challenges

This study examined the dissemination of health information to stakeholders in Tanzania. The study aimed at determining the channels used to disseminate health information and the challenges hindering the dissemination of health information in Tanzania with specific reference to Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) library. This study used the Mixed Approach. Convenience sampling was used to draw a sample of thirty one library professionals and teaching staff at MUHAS Library.

Unmarried women and socio-cultural implications: students’ attitudes towards spinsterhood, fldm, fez, Morocco

The present study is an attempt to investigate the factors behind spinsterhood, the sort of perception popular mindset hold on spinsters and the consequences of being a spinster. It starts with a theoretical part as a background to the topic. Then, it moves to the practical part where the study depends a field work for testing the constructed hypothesis. The field work is conducted through questionnaires. Briefly, the findings proved that the majority of respondents, 51% believes that the society considers spinsters as those who had never been proposed to.

Microclimate of the ambedkar memorial

The mesmerising memorial has gifted a completely different definition to the new parts of the city and Gomti Nagar. However, a major problem that has been witnessed over time is the increase in microclimatic temperature inside and around the complex, creating discomfort for visitors/ users and nearby dwellers. The effect on environment has been overlooked by the creators of the memorial in today's millennium, when there is a desperate need to save the earth and have a sustainable approach to all that is created.

Alternative investments- the game of [un] - knowns

Alternative Investments is an emerging market. In recent years, alternatives have become a prevalent aspect of multi-asset investing. It includes investments ranging from private, commercial, real estate, hedge funds, liquid alternatives to illiquid private equity funds, and real assets. The alternative investments industry is rapidly expanding and increasing its ability to provide durable investment strategies, and hence is attracting a growing number of individual investors.