July 2023

  1. Roya Hayatina Latua Silawane, Jaenal Effendi and Bambang Juanda

    The problem of extreme poverty is one of the most crucial issues affected in every country. This research aims to analyze the distribution model of social assistance funds for beneficiary households among those affected by extreme poverty in Indramayu. As well as the implication of accuracies in updating data for effectiveness in distributing the social protection funds. Currently, the data used for this study are primary data with classification in lowland and coastal zones. Furthermore, the analysis method uses Difference in Difference (DID), which R-studio processes as the application software. In addition, according to the results, there is an increase in income within the extreme poverty society (treatment group) that equals 1106262 rupiahs when other variables are constant. In addition, another phenomenon was found that groups who did not receive any social assistance (control group) also had an increased revenue throughout the period. The other point worth underlining is based on the DID model analysis. It was found that the large number of household members proved to significantly Influence the increasing level of income towards the treatment group.

    Pub. Date: July 22, 2023
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  2. Corina Mitrulescu

    This is a review of "Phenomenology and Cultural Difference in High Modernism" - an interdisciplinary study which casts a new light on the epistemology and discourses brought to bear upon the literature of modernism. Issues of modernist genre, aesthetics, history of ideas, characteristic tropes, cross disciplinary paradigms, etc.) are examined in the nexus of modernist culture. This has been the fourth book published by Dr. Maria Ana Tupan, affiliated with the Doctoral School of Alba Iulia University, Romania, as Director of Research. The reviewer is Senior Lecturer affiliated with the Aero-Space University in Sibiu, Romania and a Fulbright grantee.

    Pub. Date: July 22, 2023
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  3. hristabel Adei Hammond, Benedict Lewis Abotsi, and Edem Peace Ayimey

    Purpose: This paper aims to identify the impact of social media on employee performance at the Hydrological Services Department (HSD) of Ghana. Understanding how employees use social media, how social media use leads to building a structural, relational and cognitive capability and how social media can be managed to ensure office productivity influenced this study. Design/methodology/approach: The grounded theory approach was used to conduct a systematic review of social media research. This method aimed to arrive at a comprehensive and theoretical understanding of a field or topic to identify the dominant themes and suggest knowledge gaps in this study.Purposive sampling was utilized to choose the research interview subjects with a qualitative research approach also adopted as an efficient way to understand the subject under study. Findings: The findings show that network connections facilitate employee social engagement. Employees who share goals develop common standards and obligations, strengthening sentiments of trust and identification. Finally, trust encourages people to communicate and share. This study stresses the need for businesses to encourage employees to use social media for more than just social networking. It can also be used to assist with open-ended knowledge management responsibilities.

    Pub. Date: July 29, 2023
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  4. Evelyn Estefania Tirado Turushina and Willian Moyano Calero

    El presente estudio aborda el tema del vínculo afectivo en el apego precoz, este consiste en el contacto piel con piel entre la madre y su hijo inmediatamente después del nacimiento, si ambos se encuentran estables por el tiempo que deseen o por lo menos hasta que el recién nacido efectúe la primera toma del pecho de su progenitora. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el vínculo afectivo con las características sociodemográficas de las madres de neonatos atendidos en un hospital público del Ecuador. Metodología: Enfoque cuantitativo, alcance correlacional y diseño observacional. La población estuvo constituida por madres y sus neonatos que asistieron a los controles al centro obstétrico de un hospital público del Ecuador durante el mes de septiembre de 2022, a quienes se les aplicó la escala “Vínculo entre padres e hijos neonatos” versión española. Resultados: se determinó una edad promedio de las participantes entre 26 y 30 años, correspondiente al 33,33% de la muestra, en relación con el estado civil, se observó una mayor prevalencia de pacientes en unión libre con el 45,45%, se observó que un 33,33% poseen un grado de estudios secundario. De manera general se identificó un vínculo afectivo bajo. Además, se encontró un p valor < 0,05 entre la edad y estado civil con el nivel de vínculo afectivo. Conclusión: Las mujeres casadas de mayor edad practican un vínculo afectivo más intenso. Existe muchos beneficios con la práctica del apego precoz, como: calmar el llanto del neonato, estabilizar el aparato cardiorrespiratorio, desarrollar sensaciones táctiles, entre otros.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  5. Dissanayake, D.M.L.P.

    Learning theories serve as the cornerstone of educational methods and shed light on how people pick up information and abilities. Several well-known learning theories, including behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and social constructivism, are compared and contrasted in this article. This article aims to illuminate the various viewpoints and approaches to learning by investigating the justifications for each theory, completing a literature study, using a particular technique, and undertaking a data analysis.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  6. Srinivasan, J., Jalapathi, E. and Mugilan, K.
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    Studies were initiated to evaluate the influence of seed priming technique (Humic acid 20%, Carbendazim 2%, Imidachlobrid 3% and hydro priming technique) in conjunction with crop management techniques along with NPK application in Maize COHM 6. Seeds primed with Humic acid 20%, maintained the germination above the seed certification standard with higher seedling quality characters and lesser deteriorative observations compared to unprimed seed of COHM 6. The results revealed that seeds primed with 20 per cent humic acid gives better results in morphological, yield and yield attributing characters of maize COHM 6. On comparison of seed and crop management techniques the contribution of seed management technique was higher than crop management techniques.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  7. Srinivasan, J., Jalapathi, E. and Mugilan, K.
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    An investigation was carried out in JF-55 (Male parent) & Pusa Sawani (Female parent) to find out the effect of emasculation and bud pollination in comparison with emasculation and conventional pollination technique. The Crossing Techniques (CT) were evaluated for the crossing period of seven weeks and analysed for fruit set, seed yield and seed quality characters at weekly intervals. The results revealed that irrespective of the crossing period, bud pollination recorded 6% higher fruit set than conventional pollination. Among the crossing periods, bud pollination and conventional pollination recorded higher fruit set of 88% and 82% respectively at the crossing period of 4th week. The yield attributing characters, seed and seedling quality characters were also higher at the crossing period of 4th week of flowering period.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  8. Dr. Sumona Bhattacharya and Ruchi Jha

    This research paper critically examines the Street Vendors Act, its implementation, and the income generation for street vendors in urban settings. Street vending is an integral part of the informal economy, contributing to livelihoods and urban dynamics. However, street vendors often face numerous challenges, including harassment, lack of legal recognition, and limited access to basic amenities. Through a comprehensive literature review, the paper investigates the historical context, legal provisions, and policy frameworks surrounding street vending and the Street Vendors Act. Additionally, empirical data from surveys, interviews, and case studies are utilized to evaluate the practical implementation of the Act in selected urban areas. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact of the Street Vendors Act. These insights can inform policymakers, urban planners, and stakeholders in formulating effective strategies to support street vendors, enhance their socio-economic conditions, and facilitate their integration into the formal urban economy.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  9. Marlon D. Bangonon and Dr. William A. Revisa

    The researcher used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to determine the most appropriate model for police officers' engagement as viewed by them in Region XII. The study used a quantitative non-experimental research design with a descriptive-predictive approach. The sample size comprised 400 participants who were selected through a stratified sampling technique. These participants were surveyed using standardized adapted instruments to gather data. The data was then evaluated using a variety of statistical approaches such as the mean, Pearson product moment correlation, multiple regression, and structural equation modeling. The study's findings revealed that safety management practices, knowledge management practices, and police engagement were all at a very high level, while human resource management practices were rated as high. Furthermore, it was observed that all three exogenous variables had a significant relationship with police engagement. However, when performing regression analysis, it was observed that knowledge management practices had the strongest influence on police engagement in Region XII. In terms of model evaluation, Model 5 consistently demonstrated an outstanding fit to the data. As a result, Model 5 was identified as the most parsimonious model for this study. In this model, the remaining domains that influence police engagement are safety management practices such as safety training, management commitment, communication and feedback, and safety promotion and policies; human resource management practices such as work-life balance, performance appraisal, and training and development; and knowledge management practices such as cooperation, intrinsic motivation, and perceptions.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  10. Peter Magdy Albert Masiha, Awny Fouad Rahmy, Eid El-Taweel and Saif Eldeen Ahmed Ragab and Ali Mehemed Shauosh
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    Background: Non-specific low back pain considered a global disorder with significant negative economic impact, where cupping therapy and micro currents carry growing potential evidence for beneficial management for chronic non-specific low back pain. Purpose: To compare the effect of microcurrent with wet cupping significantly on non-specific low back pain in overweight elderly patients. Method: Forty overweight elderly males’ participants suffering from non-specific low back pain from military rehabilitation center in Agouza, their age range 65-75 years old, also body mass index range 25- 29.9 kg/ cm2. They were randomly allocated via envelops into two equal groups; Group A received wet cupping therapy 1 session/week; and Group B received micro-current stimulation 3 sessions/week, from January 2022 to March 2023. Demographic assessment and lumbar sagittal ROM using baseline bubble inclinometer and pressure pain threshold via pressure algometer. Statistical analyses were conducted at confidence interval of 95%. Result: No significant difference between group A and B pretreatment. Regarding lumbar ROM “flexion-extension” among group A, there was a significant increase in group A post treatment. While among group B, there was a significant increase in group B post treatment. While, there were significant differences in group A compared with that of group B post treatment. Also, regarding treatment effect on pressure pain threshold among group A, there was a significant decrease in group A post treatment. While, among group B, there was a significant decrease in group B post treatment. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in group A compared with that of group B either pre or post treatment. Conclusion: Both microcurrent and wet cupping modalities is valuable with superiority for wet cupping in terms of lumbar sagittal ROM so, could be considered for treating non-specific low back pain in overweight elderly patients

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  11. Demba Gaye and El Hadji Mamadou Mansaly

    The 2020 rainy season was surplus in most of Senegal. In the department of Oussouye, it was described as "extreme" because some stations recorded annual rainfall totals (over 2000 mm) well above the average for these stations. In addition, these stations received intense or even extreme daily rainfall, which had a major impact on the agricultural calendar. The aim of this study is to show how the extreme rainfall of the winter of 2020 affected the cropping calendar in the department of Oussouye. From a statistical point of view, this study analyses the extreme rainfall recorded during the 2020 rainy season, comparing this situation with data from the 1971-2020 period. Next, the maximum daily rainfall for the 2020 winter season was analysed. Finally, the agro-climatic parameters were also analysed. These analyses showed that total annual rainfall increased over the period 1971-2020. The year 2020 was characterised by an increase in the number of rainy days above 50 mm, which was statistically higher than the 1971-2020 average. The duration of the rainy season showed a general trend towards normal over the period 1971-2020. However, the extreme rainfall during the 2020 rainy season flooded rice fields and disrupted the cropping calendar. On the other hand, the results of the 2020 agricultural season were considered high for all crops in the department of Oussouye. Faced with this situation, adaptation strategies have been developed by the state authorities with the support of their partners and farmers. But today, with the resurgence of these extreme climatic phenomena, the strategies developed are ineffective.

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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  12. Sathiyavarsha K., Wilson, D., John Kingsly, N.B., Umesh Chimmalagi and Dinesh Kumar, P.

    In this study, the genetic diversity of 20 tomato genotypes was assessed under protected cultivation, focusing on 22 different characteristics. Through the application of D2 statistics, the genotypes were classified into seven distinct clusters. Cluster II consisted of the highest number of genotypes (six), followed by cluster III (four), cluster IV (three), cluster V (three), cluster I (two), cluster VI (one), and cluster VII (one). Cluster II exhibited the greatest intra-cluster distance, indicating a higher level of variation within the genotypes of this cluster. The inter-cluster distance between cluster I and cluster VI were the most significant. Among the clusters, cluster VI demonstrated the highest average values for several characteristics including fruit yield (1172.8 g), total number of fruits per plant (74.1), number of fruits per plant (5.2), number of clusters per plant (16.1), TSS (7.8 0Brix), plant height (181.3 cm), and primary branches (3.5).

    Pub. Date: July 30, 2023
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