Health Sciences

E-portfolio and mooc for teacher training: techno pedagogical approach: a theoretical and methodological framework

The integration of digital technologies, particularly MOOCs and e-portfolios, has transformed teacher professional development. MOOCs offer scalable learning opportunities, giving teachers access to diverse resources, while e-portfolios provide personalized spaces for reflection and tracking progress. Combining these tools in teacher training creates a flexible, learner-centered approach that enhances accessibility and effectiveness.

Ectopia cordis with fetal hydrops and severe oligohydramnios: A case report

Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital anomaly where the heart is partially or completely extruded from the thorax. It can occur with other associated defects, especially as part of the Pentalogy of Cantrell (a collection of 5 congenital midline birth anomalies; involving the sternum, heart, pericardium, diaphragm, and abdominal wall).

Anesthetic management in simultaneous surgery: cesarean section and meningioma resection

Managing the simultaneous performance of a cesarean section and intracranial meningioma resection in pregnant patients presents a significant anesthetic challenge. This case report describes a 34-year-old woman at 27 weeks of pregnancy diagnosed with a left pontocerebellar angle meningioma. The patient experienced acute neurological deterioration, necessitating urgent surgical intervention comprising a cesarean section and tumor resection in a single operative session.

Sacrococcygeal teratoma in a limited-resource setting: A case report

Introduction: Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) occurs commonly in neonates and infants and poses significant obstetric and fetal challenges, especially in resource-strained settings. SCT affects 1 in every 35,000–40,000 live births. Prompt diagnosis and effective management of SCT improve obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Case presentation: A 25-year-old gravida 2 para 1+0 at 27 weeks gestation was admitted to the hospital with complaints of intermittent lower abdominal pain and reduced fetal movements.

Efectividad del bloqueo retrolaminar en instrumentación de columna mínimamente invasiva.

Antecedentes: La anestesia regional puede reducir el riesgo de dolor agudo post operatorio después de una instrumentación de columna, una afección frecuente y debilitante. Comparamos la anestesia convencional con un bloqueo retrolaminar para la prevención del dolor agudo posoperatorio. Metodología: Ensayo Clínico aleatorizado, No cegado.

Impact of dapagloflozin administration in treatment of proteinuria in patients with nephrotic syndrome

Background and Aims: Nephrotic syndrome addressed as one of the most common causes of inherited chronic kidney disease. Where, protein is excessively filtered into the urine.Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in nephrotic patients on immunosuppression are underexplored.This research aimed to investigate the impacts of dapagloflozin in treatment of proteinuria in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Material and methods: A prospective clinical trial involving fifty-six adult patients, without a diagnosis of diabetes, with persistent proteinuria.

Assessment of fusion rate with transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in degenerative lumbar spine diseases

Background: It is theoretically presumed that TLIF will provide the same advantages as circumferential fusion, but with a higher level of safety than other inter body fusion methods, as it does not involve direct traction on the spine. TLIF technology preserves the interspinal ligament and supraspinal ligament in terms of spinal integrity. Goal and objectives: We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes, complications, and advantages of transforaminal lumbar inter body fusion in degenerative lumbar spine diseases.

Healthcare inequities in pediatric cardiology: a case of tga and tof in low-income families

Background: Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common birth defects globally. CHD often requires specialized care for survival. However, healthcare inequities in pediatric cardiology limit access to prompt diagnostic and holistic therapeutic interventions in low-income families. Case Presentation: We explore two critical CHDs, tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and transposition of great arteries (TGA), highlighting the intersection of financial limitations, inadequate infrastructure, and suboptimal care.

Neurobiology notes, from the interaction of material bodies to the origin of neural networks, from neural networks to the universality of knowledge

This manuscript raises numerous questions regarding the extraordinary structural and functional complexity of neural networks, and aims to be a starting point for orienting us toward possible answers. Starting from the fundamental premise that matter is the result of the interaction between the particles that form it, I extend this principle to the neural networks that have specialized, over the course of evolution, in increasingly refined and effective interaction/communication activities.

Impact of aki in patients with cirrhotic liver and received hcv treatment

Background and Aims: Egypt had controlled liver cirrhosis who received HCV vaccine in line to modulate its impact among nephrotic patients. Current clinical trial aim to investigate acute kidney injury (AKI) impact among liver cirrhosis individuals who received HCV treatment. Material and methods: A prospective, multi-center clinical trial, on 50 liver cirrhosis patients who eligible to receive HCV treatment.