Health Sciences

Bone loss patterns in periodontitis-an overview

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the supporting structures of the teeth which eventually lead to bone loss, tooth mobility and tooth loss if left untreated.Bone loss in periodontal disease is a hall mark and the patterns of bone loss is based on the type of periodontal destruction present.A number of factors contribute to bone loss in periodontitis like bacterial derived factors, antigens that stimulate a local inflammatory response and activation of innate immune system.The present review gives us an overview of classification of bone defects

A woman obtains relief from excruciating hip joint pain attributable to multidisciplinary teamwork and adherence to physiotherapeutic interventions: a single case study of total hip replacement

Hip replacement aims to alleviate hip pain due to the damaged joint and ensure smooth mobility to the extent possible. Physiotherapeutic support after the hip replacement helps inensuring proper rehabilitation and optimum quality of life. This was amply demonstrated in a single case of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a 31-year-oldwoman. She had been suffering from pain and stiffness in the right hip joint for the last 20 years. She was referredtoa tertiary care hospital where the orthopedic surgeon conducted the hip replacement surgery.

Perception & awareness of special care dentistry among dental undergraduates of india: a cross- sectional study

Aim: This study provides critical insights into the perception and awareness of Special Care Dentistry (SCD) among dental undergraduate students in India. Materials & Methodology: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the awareness and perceptions of Special Care Dentistry (SCD) among dental undergraduate students in India. A total of 400 students from various dental colleges participated in the study, which was conducted by the Department of Public Health Dentistry at SGT University, Gurugram.

Evaluation of functional and aesthetic outcomes of glabrous skin resurfacing in cases of palmodigitovolar defects

Soft tissue injuries of hand and palm are common occurrence caused by trauma, infection, burns and various medical procedures. The criteria for selection of appropriate flap for volar defects is based on ability of the flap to provide glabrous skin, adequacy of length, adequate sensitivity and ability to allow free movement of joints. In the present study we intend to describe our experience of resurfacing of palmodigitovolar defects with glabrous skin. Study population comprised of 32 patients with palmodigitovolar defects from various causes.

Complicaciones por bloqueo de escalpe

El bloqueo de escalpe es una técnica de anestesia regional utilizada en neurocirugía para proporcionar analgesia durante procedimientos craneales, como la craneotomía despierta, mediante la infiltración de anestésicos locales en nervios específicos del cuero cabelludo. Estos nervios incluyen el occipital mayor y menor, auriculotemporal, cigomáticotemporal, supraorbitario y supratroclear.

A systematic review on proton pump inhibitors induced vitamin b12 deficiency

Background: Drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are frequently prescribed to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, including erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and duodenal and stomach ulcers. They are now the most effective medications that lower gastric hydrochloric acid output and have been in use for almost 30 years. Sometimes, in certain patient populations, prolonged use of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) has been associated with decreased serum levels of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Behavioural and cognitive outcomes in a child with traps syndrome: a case study

Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS) is a rare autosomal dominant autoinflammatory disorder and the symptoms include recurrent fevers, significant multisystem involvement and systemic inflammation. (1)The physical symptoms of TRAPS, such as abdominal pain, arthralgia, and skin rashes, are well known but its impact on neurodevelopmental and behavioural outcomes is less understood.

Exploratory study to assess the level of knowledge and skills regarding hand hygiene among housewives

An exploratory study was conducted among the housewives of Bahadarpur Jatt, Haridwar. A self structured knowledge questionnaire and skill checklist was used to collect data from subjects regarding hand hygiene. A total of 100 housewives participated in this study. According to the findings of the study, Majority 48% had average knowledge regarding hand hygiene.

Health-seeking behavior and associated factors among ptb patients in jaramogi oginga odinga teaching and referral hospital (jootrh), Kenya, 2022

The study aimed to assess the health-seeking behavior (HSB) of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients and its associated factors, which significantly impact disease management in countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), such as Kenya. Problem Statement: The PTB burden in Kenya has increased significantly in recent years due to poor health-seeking behavior among PTB patients. Despite the implementation of free PTB testing and treatment, inadequate HSB contributes to high morbidity and mortality rates and increases the spread of PTB.

Fish bone in anal verg

Foreign body ingestion, particularly fish bone ingestion leading to gastrointestinal complications, is a common medical concern that is rarely associated with migration to the anal verge. This case report details an extraordinary instance involving a 27-year-old male who presented with acute anal pain and discomfort following a meal that included fish, suspected to have resulted in the ingestion of a fish bone. Diagnostic evaluation revealed a foreign body embedded superficially in the anal mucosa, confirmed through colonoscopy.