Health Sciences

Evaluation of the effect of virtual reality glasses on pain and anxiety experienced in the latent phase of labour from the perspective of pregnant women and midwives: Case study

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of virtual reality goggles on pain and anxiety in pregnant women undergoing labour induction. The labour process brings psychological pressures as well as physical pain, and especially conditions requiring labour induction may increase maternal anxiety and pain levels. In this study, the effects of virtual reality goggle application on pain and anxiety during labour were investigated. Method: This case study was conducted on two pregnant women undergoing labour induction in a State Hospital.

Factors influencing the adoption and implementation of the emr among health care providers at homabay county teaching and referral hospital

In Kenya, many public hospitals continue to use paper-based health records(PBHR), associated with several challenges. Adoption and implementation of the EMR are necessary for the advancement of the quality of patient care. Despite the efforts by the government by providing subsidies, there has been low uptake of the EMR by public facilities. Thus the need to study the factors influencing the adoption and implementation of EMR among healthcare providers in HCTRH.

Sevoflorane consumption with low fresh gas flows vs high fresh gas flows

Introducción: Se ha demostrado que la anestesia de bajo flujo es una técnica segura y confiable que ofrece una reducción considerable en la utilización de agentes volátiles. Además del ahorro de costos, la anestesia de bajo flujo ofrece varias ventajas sobre la administración de anestesia "tradicional". Se deben aprovechar todas las oportunidades para limitar el desperdicio de medicamentos anestésicos mientras se brinda una atención segura y eficiente a través de anestesia de bajo flujo.

Prevalencia de complicaciones en pacientes sometidos a drenaje de hematomas subdurales crónicos por agujeros de trépanos bajo bloqueo escalpe y sedación

Antecedentes: La trepanación por agujero de trepanación se realiza para la mayoría de los pacientes que se someten a cirugía para drenaje de hematoma subdural crónico sintomático para facilitar el drenaje de líquidos y la reexpansión del tejido cerebral subyacente. Esta intervención es susceptible de ser realizada bajo anestesia regional y sedación. Mediante el bloqueo de escalpe el cual brinda bloqueo de la inervación del cráneo, dando analgesia trans y post operatoria. La sedación es imprescindible para brindar confort y evitar ansiedad en el paciente.

Hipertensión pulmonar en el adulto: sospecha diagnóstica y manejo perioperatorio

Los pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP) tienen un mayor riesgo de mortalidad y morbilidad perioperatoria. Los objetivos de la consulta preanestésica son garantizar que el estado del volumen intravascular, la oxigenación, la presión arterial (PA) y la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) se encuentren en un rango óptimo. Los tratamientos crónicos deben continuar sin interrupción en el periodo perioperatorio y así minimizar los factores que exacerban la enfermedad y empeoran el pronóstico.

Factors associated with spontaneous abortion at jaramogi oginga odinga teaching and referral hospital between January 2020 and December, 2020

There are increasing numbers of pregnancies amongst many women of reproductive age. The relative risk of spontaneous abortion in these pregnancies remains unclear. Miscarriage is a public health issue throughout the world. The aim of this study was to assess factors associated with spontaneous abortion in women of reproductive age at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital. The study also expounded on the total burden related to maternal abortion and miscarriage to help prevent such increased occurrences of spontaneous abortions.

The importance of genetic background in recurrent hcc and the bioinformatics analysis of gene data associated with recurrent hcc

Aim: Known for its high recurrence rates and potential to metastasize and recur after liver transplantation or hepatectomy, HCC requires effective management, comprehensive surveillance and specialized therapies. Bioinformatics and machine learning play a key role in analyzing large datasets to reveal genetic and molecular insights into HCC metastasis and help identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This study aims to identify biomarkers associated with HCC recurrence by analyzing gene expression in primary and recurrent tumor tissues.

First-trimester cystic hygroma: prenatal diagnosis and fetal outcome

Cystic hygroma is a congenital lymphatic malformation frequently diagnosed during first-trimester ultrasound screenings. This anomaly, characterized by cystic masses typically found in the cervical and thoracic regions, poses significant challenges due to its association with chromosomal abnormalities, notably trisomy 21. We present a case study of a 32-year-old primigravida at 11 weeks of gestation diagnosed with a cervico-thoracic cystic hygroma measuring 4.5 mm in nuchal thickness, confirmed by Doppler ultrasound.

Transparency of domestic financial management: a look at the experience of spouse employees at the faculty of medicine of the 11 de novembro university

This study addresses the ʺTransparency of domestic financial management”. The aim of the study was to analyze the experiences of spouse employees at the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade 11 de Novembro regarding transparency in domestic financial management. It was a qualitative descriptive exploratory study, using a semi-structured interview. The study population consisted of 59 employees, from which a sample of 12 individuals was randomly selected, depending on their availability to participate in the study and through raffles.

Don’t be a doodad, thingummy…be a wise daddy and mummy!! virtual autism: a review

Virtual autism is a neuro-psychiatric behaviour disorder generated due to excessive screen exposure. Its symptoms are analogous to classic autism; hence, it is called virtual autism. Psychic, motor, sensory, affective and psychosocial stimulation is absent due to improper development of the neurological system. Virtual autism it is not about the destruction of neurological links, but about re-edification of these links, due to their inadequate stimulation.