Life Sciences

Interventions mostly needed for in-service training of nurses on effective use of standardized documentation

The review article on interventions mostly used for in-service training of nurses on effective use of standardized documents was conceived because most often than not documentation on patients is incomplete. The write up is relevant in that nurses can be exposed to standardized documents and use them for better patient outcomes. The objectives were to explore, outline, describe, and expose reasons for documentation, standardized documents, factors that influence effectiveness in documentation and regulatory bodies’ views on documentation.

A descriptive study to assess the academic stress among the first year nursing students of selected college of nursing, Lucknow

Background: Academic stress may be the single most dominant stress factor that affects the mental well- being of college students. Academic stress can be explained by understanding the interconnection between environment stressor and the student’s appraisal of academic stressor and response to the same. Stress can cause several physiological changes. It can cause tension, pressure or negative emotions including anxiety and anger to the individual.

Optimization of medium composition to enhance cordycepin synthesis and stress tolerance in engineered pichia pastoris

Cordycepin is a bioactive compound with extensive pharmacological activities and potential medical applications. This study focuses on the optimization of cordycepin production in an engineered Pichia pastoris strain, THP-292, constructed in our laboratory. By screening optimal culture media and supplementing with adenine and fucoidan, we aimed to improve cordycepin synthesis and enhance stress tolerance.

Enhancing network security in academic institutions through user education and awareness programs: addressing vulnerabilities and promoting best practices

The proliferation of internet access, encompassing nearly 60% of the global population, has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity and information exchange. However, this digital revolution is marred by a significant challenge: a substantial portion of internet users lacks the fundamental knowledge and awareness necessary to navigate online risks securely. This paper addresses the urgent need to bolster network security in academic institutions through user education and awareness programs.

Functional beverages co-pigmented with legume extract and its effect on antioxidant profile and anthocyanin stability and its mineral and vitamin content

Anthocyanins are antioxidant-rich pigments found in red, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables, offering cardiovascular protection, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and vision-enhancing benefits. They also support gut health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Copigmentation, the formation of molecular complexes between pigments and non-colored organic substances, leads to increased absorbance and potential shifts in pigment absorption wavelengths, playing a crucial role in color stabilization and modulation in various natural and food products.

Sacred groves of maharashtra – a review

Sacred groves (SGs) are considered as rich source of biodiversity, and also the source of endemic and threatened species. Existence of SGs is since centuries, as a traditional way of conservation and has a significant contribution in the process of biodiversity conservation. SGs are of positive consequential amalgamation of religion and ecology. Moreover, SGs are also significant as most of the plants are being used for medicinal purposes.

Avian collection of state museum Lucknow: Scope of preserved specimen

The taxonomic importance of the specimens preserved in any museum has been established. The genetic study of the genes preserved in the muscles and tissues of the taxidermy skin of the museum specimens has led to the hypothesis of evolutionary theories in the field of biology. In the museum collection some of the species have been preserved for long and have a scope of reidentification, because such species have been wrongly identified. The Natural History section of the State Museum, Lucknow has a rich collection of avian diversity.

Origin, distribution, taxonomy, botanical description, genetics and cytogenetics, genetic diversity and breeding of lima bean (phaseolus lunatus l.)

Lima bean belongs to the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae, genus Phaseolus and species Phaseolus lunatus. Lima beans or butter beans or sieva beans are some of the most common legumes that are consumed all over the world. The beans are actually the seeds of this plant, but their large size and dense nutrient profile make them an excellent sustenance crop. The larger varieties of these beans are typically lima beans, while smaller-seeded varieties are sieva beans, but they are actually the same species.

A pharmacological study of arjuna (termanalia arjuna) – a brief study

Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as arjuna, belongs to the family of Combretaceae. Its bark decoction is being used in the Indian subcontinent for anginal pain, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and dyslipidemia, based on the observations of ancient physicians for centuries. The utility of arjuna in various cardiovascular diseases needs to be studied further.

Picrorhiza kurroa: Nature's benignity under threat

Export of cultivated MAPs (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) is certainly valuable for conservation and rural economy. Global Picrorhiza Extract Market size was valued at US$ 2.01 Bn in 2022 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 3.8% through 2023 to 2029, reaching nearly US$ 2.62 Bn. This herb Kutki is in high demand in national and international markets due to its vast medicinal properties. The over exploitation and unsustainable harvesting have posed an alarming threat to the existence of this important species, and its population has declined drastically.