Life Sciences

Por qué perfusiones controladas por objetivo en neurocirugía?: cambiando paradigmas

Introduction: The objectives of neuroanesthesic management should focus on generating unconsciousness, amnesia and antinociception, maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure, control of intracranial pressure, avoiding secondary damage due to hypoxemia, hypo or hypercapnia, hyper or hypoglycemia, to thus being able to provide optimal surgical conditions, allowing in turn early neurological evaluation. Objectives: The present review aims to evaluate in a practical way the main pharmacokinetic models and correlate them with the changes that occur in neurosurgical patients.

Psychological experience of mothers of cleft lip and palate children in Senegal

Cleft lip and palate are the most common congenital facial malformations in the world. For a long time, research and scientific studies have focused on cleft lip and palate in order to understand more about it, but also to find support strategies for parents who are still confronted with the traumatic reality of the occurrence of a congenital malformation. However, it appears that in the sub-region and particularly in Senegal, few studies have focused on the psychological experience of mothers of cleft lip and palate children.

Development strategies of horsemeat shredded agroindustry

The research is a case study at horsemeat shredded business group in Binamu Sub-district Jeneponto Regency. The research aims to find out development strategies of horsemeat shredded business in business and to analyze supporting and inhibiting factors of the business. The research is conducted for three months, April to June 2016. The research population includes one horsemeat shredded business group located in Binamu Sub-district.

Studies on the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in kushaiguda area range, reddy district (andhra pradesh)

Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwaters in Kushaiguda region, Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India has been analyzed to evaluate its aptness for domestic and agricultural uses. Sixteen samples of groundwater were collected and evaluated the different physico chemical parameters namely, pH, Total hardness (TH), Electrical conductivity (EC), Total dissolved solids (TDS), cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ and anions such as CO32-, HCO3-, Cl- and SO42-.

Review article on influence of spacing on seed yield and seed quality characteristics of flower crops

Optimum plant population per unit area is considered as one of the agronomic management practice to boost up the yield of commercial crop which aid in provision of adequate sunlight, nutrient, water and space for proliferation (Biradar patil et al., 1991). Seed crop is not exempting from this rule and in addition seed crop require still more adequate spacing for rouging and to improve the size of seed (Savithri and Srimathi, 2002). Hence, in seed production the geometry should be adjusted in such a way that the quality of seed is yielded at higher order at the optimum plant spacing

Assessment of public playground safety in aydin, turkey

Background: In this study, the safety of 54 public playgrounds in 12 neighborhoods in Aydın (Turkey) city was assessed in terms of 9 important risk factors that may cause injury, and a risk map was created. The simple random sampling method was used to determine the neighborhoods and public playgrounds included in the study. The Playground Safety Survey was prepared to assess safety of playgrounds. ArcMap 10.3 software was used to create the risk map of playgrounds and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 19 software was used for statistical analysis of research data.

A review on toxicological study of montelukast

Montelukast is a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, belonging to the quinoline series and therapeutic agent used for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. This review described the impurities, toxicity studies, adverse effects of drug montelukast. The presence of impurities affect the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products. Sulfoxide impurity was found to be having a major effect on efficacy. The common adverse effects found were headache, upper respiratory infection and Neuropsychiatric Events, which were not much different compared to placebo.

Effect of rasayana in autoimmune diseases: a review

Objective: In an autoimmune disease, there is a wrong action of our defense mechanism against the body's own tissue. Autoimmunity is group of illnesses that include almost every organ system. RASAYANA is a unique branch of Ayurveda. Rasayanchikitsa is also known as rejuvenation therapy. It promotes the inner healing power of an individual and helps him in over taking the pain and disease while promoting the immunity (SVASTHASYA ORJASKARAM).Method: References regarding Rasayanaand Autoimmunedisease were collected from various textbooks, published research papers, previous work done.

Mitigation of bio-acoustic impact on cetaceans during seismic survey in Nigerian coastal waters

The hydrocarbon rich Niger delta region of Nigeria is also home/breeding ground for some indigenous as well serve as calving grounds for some migratory marine mammal species. Exploration and production of this highly valuable resource often require seismic survey that generate sound that could negatively impact marine animals at close proximity. Hence, the need for a science based management to reduce risk of injury or fatality to these endangered species. This study aims at assessing and evaluating Scientific processes and procedure in place for minimising negative impact.

Reproduction in goats: a review

The ruminants are the most primitive animals to be domesticated by human being from the time unknown. They were not only domesticated by the ancient civilized man for the need of minimizing labor (in terms of tilling or pulling carts) but also for differential need of every day livelihood like meat, milk, skin and hair. The main reason behind goats’ popularity is the low rearing cost of this animal and their higher adaptability to a number of harsh and unfavorable conditions without any physiological complication.