Life Sciences

Effect of gibberellic acid (ga3) and plant growth promoting bacteria (azotobacter and azospirillum) on papaya (Carica Papaya l. cv. red lady) under different growing conditions

The present investigation entitled “Effect of seed treatments using Gibberellic Acid (GA3) and plant growth promoting bacteria under different growing conditions on germination and growth of papaya cultivar Red lady” was carried out using ten treatment viz T1: control, T2: GA3 @100 ppm, T3: GA3 @ 150 ppm, T4: GA3 @ 200 ppm , T5: GA3 @100 ppm + Azotobacter, T6: GA3 @ 150 ppm + Azotobacter, T7: GA3 @ 200 ppm + Azotobacter , T8:GA3 @100 ppm + Azospirillium, T9: GA3 @ 150 ppm + Azospirillium, T10: GA3 @ 200 ppm + Azospirillium under three growing conditions i.e.

Effect of seed treatment using gibberllic acid (ga3) and kno3 on seed germination and growth of custard apple (annona squamosal.) cvs. balanagar and washington

Custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) belongs to family annonaceae is a tropical and subtropical delicious fruits grown in Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil, Egypt, Florida, Malaysia, Peru, Mexico, Philippines, India, Thailand, West Indies and America.The present investigation for studying the effect of Seed treatment using Gibberellic acid (GA3) and KNO3 on seed germination and growth of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) cvs.Balanagar and Washington were conductedat Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo,Punjab, India during 2021-2022.

Effect of different concentration of indole butyric acid on survival and rooting performance of pomegranate (punica granatum l.)

The experiment was carried out during the year 2021-22 at Department of Fruit Science, Guru Kashi University Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India. The cuttings were taken from hardwood cutting arising on tree of pomegranate cv. Bhawga, Ganesh, Mridula during the month of January. The experiment was conducted in Randomized block design with 6 treatment and 3 replication. Treatments were consisted of control (0), 1000ppm, 1500ppm, 2000ppm, 2500ppm, 3000ppm.

Quality assurance and shelf life extension of kinnow mandarin under supermarket

The present study entitles “Quality assurance and shelf life extension of Kinnow Mandarin under supermarket was conducted at department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo during year 2022. Packaging treatment include T1 ( fruit packed in shrink film), T2 (fruit packed in LDPE film), T3 ( fruit packed in HDPE film), T4 ( control or no packaging). . Experiment was carried out in complete block design with four replications.

Effectiveness and evaluation of electronic nursing documentation programme in terms of nurses perception and quality of nursing documentation in selected hospital of Rajasthan

Nurses are the only frontline professionals of the healthcare team that spend maximum time at the patient bedside. As a part of the nursing process, nurses generate and record pertinent patient information which primarily forms the basis for the decisions made by the healthcare team. Continued commitment to maintaining nursing excellence and quality nursing documentation remains crucial. Quality nursing documentation isa prerequisite for a safe and effective nursing care. Substandard nursing documentation poses risk to evaluation and outcomes of patient care.

Assessment of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of entomopathogenic fungi beuveria bassiana using allium cepaas a model

Application of microbial pesticides offers great potential for crop protection due to the rising costs of conventional pesticides and rising instances of pesticide toxicity. Entomopathogenic fungi are among the insect-killing fungi that hold great promise for lowering pest populations in agriculture and forestry. The wide range of entomopathogenic fungal biological control agents, which allows one isolate to cover several insect species, is one of its benefits for pest management.

A method for visual acuity comparison of non-parametric and heteroscedastic data

The expression of electrophysiological Visual Acuity as an equivalent subjective score in a population requires a regression model. Where data are not normally distributed, and/or heteroscedastic, then a linear regression is not appropriate, and so an alternative method is presented-the Passing and Bablok (PB) regression. The choice of units, and conversion between them is also discussed given PBs need for common units, and the likelihood of a normal distribution given this choice of units is considered.

Waist circumference in response to kinesiotaping on rectus abdominis diastasis among postnatal females

Background: During and after pregnancy, many women experience an increase in the inter-recti abdominal muscle distance due to increased uterine volume as well as stretching and thinning of the linea alba. This condition, on average, affects 66% of women and is associated with spinal pain and instability, pelvic floor muscle weakness, abdominal muscle weakness and increase Waist circumference. Objective: To assess the effect of Kinesiotaping (KT) on the Waist circumference in postnatal women.

A quantitative estimation of phytochemical, anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant activity of crude extract of root of jurinea dolomiaea boiss

The therapeutic efficacy of Jurinea dolomiaea (root) was selected to analyse the anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant activities of their crude plant extract. The plant samples were extracted from polar solvents viz. n-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water. Further crude extracts were screened for the presence of phytochemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols etc. The quantitative analysis of phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids was performed by spectrophotometrically. The evaluation of anti-oxidant activity was determined by DPPH and ABTS methods.

Effects of mineral fertilization of maize on the infestation and damage of spodoptera frugiperda j.e. smith, 1797 (lepidoptera: noctudae) in the kara region of northern Togo

Aim: Find alternatives for the control of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Togo, through mineral fertilization of maize. Methods: A completely random block design of four treatments repeated four times was used at the agronomic station of Tchitchao. Three doses of fertilizer, NPK15-15-15 at 200 kg/ha, NPK20-10-10 at 200 kg/ha and the combination 100 kg/ha NPK15-15-15 +100 kg/ha NPK20-10-10; were tested in comparison with the absolute control from November 2019 to March 2020.