Life Sciences

The role of telemedicine in remote patient monitoring: a review of clinical trials and technological innovations

Telemedicine is the practice of delivering healthcare remotely via the use of technology, allowing for direct communication between patients and healthcare professionals as well as the exchange of medical records without the necessity for face-to-face encounters. On the other hand, remote patient monitoring (RPM) entails continuously tracking patients' health information and vital signs utilizing a variety of digital tools and technologies.

Review on "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease"

The term "Fatty Liver" or "Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease" refers to the presence of lobular inflammation and macro vesicular alterations without inflammation (steatosis) in the absence of heavy alcohol consumption. It can be further broken down into two subgroups: NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) and NAFL (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver).Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) develops in people who drink little to no alcohol when too much fat builds up in the liver cells. Numerous metabolic risk factors, including diabetes and obesity, are linked to NAFLD.

Pdkv pratap: A new high-yielding wood apple variety for Maharashtra

PDKV Pratap, is woodapple variety, developed at Department of Fruit Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra. This genotype is selection from seedling in origin plant population conserve at department and developed through selection and released specially for Maharashtra conditions. It is precocious and regular bearer, having semi dwarf to medium growing habit and spreading type with drooping branches. It start flowering from February, peak flowering in March and fruit mature in the month of October.

Availability of agricultural land in the context of agro-ecology in the lower oueme valley (south Benin)

Benin, agriculture is the main activity and provides food coverage for the majority of its population. This research analyzes the availability of agricultural land in the context of agro -ecology in the lower Ouémé valley. The data used relate to climatic and soil data, socio-economic information and demographic data. Field investigations are carried out based on the determination of sampling. In total, 260 people were interviewed as part of this research . These data were processed using SPSS IBM version 21 software.

Evaluation of the agro-morphological performance of new rice lines under salinity conditions

Soil salinity is one of the major constraints to rice production and constitutes a real challenge for the State of Senegal to meet the population's rice consumption needs and to achieve food self-sufficiency. Thus, a subject was made available to us whose objective of the study is to evaluate the agro-morphological performances of thirteen (13) new varieties of rice tolerant to the salinity under the conditions of culture of the delta of the valley of the Senegal River.

Identification of coefficients and prognosis by the simplified model of disease transmission from people to people

This article makes use of a model of differential equations that simulates, in a simplified way, the transmission of diseases from people to people; making use of a data table, the coefficients that characterize the model are identified and from this a graph of the system trajectories is made. Here, a period of transmission of COVID 19 in the state of Amazonas is used as data and compared with a period of transmission in the province of Santiago de Cuba. In both cases, it predicts what may happen in a period later than that studied.

Evaluate the effect of different level of nitrogen on growth and yield parameters of spinach

The present investigation was carried out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications during 2022-2023 at vegetable farm of Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo. The different nitrogen level ( control, N2: 65Kg/acre, N2:75 kg/acre, N3: 85kg/acre) as basal dose was used for studying the growth and yield parameters of spinach. The result revealed that N3 (75 Kg/acre) is showing maximum plant height (32.38 cm) followed by N2 (65kg/acre). Whereas the N1: control is showing minimum 20.12 cm plant height.

Role of millets in achieving sustainable development goals (SDG), environment & health issues

National Food security can be ensured by strengthening the agricultural sector with improved farm practices, increased production yields, and better access to market opportunities as it plays a vital role in economic development, poverty alleviation, and the population’s security by supplying nutritional sustenance and improving the livelihoods of vulnerable people in India.

Psycho-social factors influencing the involvement in self medication and the perceived health implications among students of a tertiary institution in Anambra state, Nigeria

Self medication is the use of medication for self treatment without consulting a physician either for diagnosis, prescription or surveillance of treatment. This study is a descriptive study that determined the psychosocial factors that influence the involvement in self medication and the perceived health implications among students of College of Health Sciences of Tertiary Institution in Anambra State, Nigeria.

Understanding of socio-behavioural problems in ayurveda

Behavioural issues are frequently widespread on a global scale. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial since untreated psychiatric diseases increase the chance of developing. The goal of the current review is to provide Ayurvedic rules in the form of a code of conduct, ethical standards, and a few other things. Ayurvedic therapies correlated with recently identified psychological interventions that could be useful in prevention and treatment of children's behavioural issues. Materials and Method On data, this review is based.