Life Sciences

The rapeutic review of bilvadi panchamula (bruhat panchamula) in the management of sthaulya

Acharya Sushruta has mentioned the main constituent of pathogenesis of Shaulya (Obesity) is Dhatvagni Mandya (decrease in the functional efficacy of Dhatvagnigni). Acharya Charaka described Atisthoola is a person having pendulous appearance of Sphika, Udara and Stana due to excess deposition of Meda (Fatty tissue) along with Mamsa Dhatu (Muscle tissue) and having inadequate abnormal distribution of Meda with reduced zeal towards life.

Diversity of aquatic herpitofauna of river Chandloi, Kota, Rajasthan

Herpetofauna includes the reptiles and amphibians of a particular region, habitat or geological period.This paper is a report of field study of aquatic amphibians and reptiles observed and recorded during January 2018 to December 2019. Chandloi River is a left bank tributary of Chambal River. It originates near Aalania village and meets the River Chambal near Mavasa village. The river flows nearly 90 km before entering Chambal River.

Perspective of the residents on handwashing in reducing the spread of covid-19: a case study of yenagoa metropolis, bayelsa state, nigeria

Introduction: This research assessed the perspective of the populace of Yenagoa metropolis on the efficacy of hand washing in reducing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Yenagoa metropolis. The objectives of this study were to examine the level of COVID-19 disease and investigate the efficacy of handwashing in reducing the spread of the diseases in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This study design adopted the survey of Four hundred (400) randomly selected respondent with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire.

Covid-19: contraction and prevention

COVID-19 is a disease that originates in emerging countries. Developing countries are not well prepared to eradicate this disease. It makes victims every day. This special issue dedicated to the coronavirus (COVID-19) will allow developing countries to quickly know the elements necessary to avoid COVID-19. In Cameroon, in two weeks we went from 25 to 70 infected patients. The release of these preliminary data will help infected and uninfected patients and decision-makers in the international fight against this new virus. It is the current pandemic that threatens the whole world.

A study on young homemakers belonging to nuclear and joint families in terms of approval motive, perceived family environment and career and family values

Present study aimed to explore the approval motive, perceived family environment and career and family values as expressed by homemakers belonging to nuclear and joint families at Kolkata. A group of 100 young homemakers (50 from nuclear & 50 from joint families) between the ages 20 to 25 years were selected as sample following the random sampling technique. A General Information Schedule, Approval Motive Questionnaire, Perceived Family Environment Questionnaire and Career-family Values Questionnaire were used as tools.

A study on efficacy of kinesiotape versus postpartum belt along with core strengthening exercise in postpartum women with diastasis recti

Introduction and Aim: Diastasis recti has been defined as impairment characterized by separation of two rectus abdominis muscles along the linea alba common during and after pregnancy. Due to increased stretch of rectus abdominis induced by expanding uterus that leads to lumbo pelvic instability and pelvic floor muscle weakness. It causes an increase in abdominal circumferences, low back pain together with dissatisfaction about body shape altered self-esteem and disadvantage in inter personal relationship.

Global pandemic covid-19 disease transmission and prevention awareness among the health care students and professionals in eastern & north east regions of India

Coronavirus are a large family of virus which may cause illness in animals and humans. In humans, several coronavirus are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe disease such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Morbidity by otolaryngological emergency pathologies in brazzaville, congo: about 297 cases.

Objective: take stock of the morbidity of otolaryngological emergency in Brazzaville; explain our therapeutic attitudes and our results. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive, retrospective study of 5 years including all the patients followed in the otolaryngological department of the Talangaï reference hospital for emergency pathology. The medical records allowed the collection of epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic data. The comparison of the quantitative variables was made by the Student test. The significance threshold was set at p <0.05.

Urazbaev abdulla,doctor of philological sciences,urgench state university, Uzbekistan

This article is about the analysis of comparing Indian –European languages to some words of Khorezm dialect. The comparison of the Indo-European languages vocabulary today with the richness of the dictionary provides scientific evidence that Khorezm is a land where various civilizations are united, especially culture ,art and language. One of the particular type of the ancient Khorezmian dialects layer is considered onomastic units.We can also discuss about historical lexicon of Khorezm dialects.