Life Sciences

Analysis of antioxidant potential of momordica charantia (bitter gourd) in-vitro

This research investigated the antioxidant potential of Momordica charantia (bitter gourd) in various media. The extracts have been assessed for DPPH free radical scavenging and superoxide scavenging effect. In DPPH method, IC50 values were 57. 31, 73.16, 90.52, 98.57 and 83.80 μg/ml for ethanol, aqueous, citric acid, Na2CO3 and NaCl extracts of bitter gourd respectively. In super oxide scavenging method, IC50 values of ethanol, aqueous, citric acid, Na2CO3 and NaCl were 76.09, 86.25, 99.91, 96.72 and 102.06 μg/ml respectively.

Potent α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of green synthesized gold nanoparticles from the brown seaweed padina boergesenii

In the present study, we first time reported the formation of GNPs by the reduction of aqueous gold metal ions during exposure to seaweed, Padina boergesenii extract and its α-glucosidase enzyme inhibitory activity. The gold nanoparticles obtained were characterized using UV–visible spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum analysis. Formation of gold nanoparticles was confirmed by using energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD).

Biochemical study on the effect of cement factory effluent on the fresh water fish, cirrhinus mrigala

Biochemical changes induced by industrial effluent lead to metabolic disturbances inhibition of important enzymes, retardation of growth and reduction in the fecundity and longevity of the organism. Chronic exposure to low levels of effluent may have a more significant effect on fish populations. The acute and sub-lethal toxicity of the cement factory effluent on the fingerlings of Cirrhinus mrigala was evaluated to determine its effect on the biochemical values.

Effects of monocrotophos on haematological analysis of blood in an indian freshwater fish, labeo rohita

Pesticides are an integral part of present day agricultural technology. They are greatly contributing towards increasing world food supply by protecting the crop yield. Due to intensive development of agriculture in recent years and rapid growth of industrialization in our country, there has been a great increase in manufacture and utilization of fertilizers, pesticides, petrochemical products, detergent and other synthetic chemicals and agricultural wastes pose a serious threat to the water ecosystem and aquatic life.

Biomass Nutrient Profile Of The Green Alga Golenkinia Radiata Chodat

The nutrient profile of the green alga Golenkinia radiata Chodat includes- carbohydrate (40.39%), protein (13.3%), lipid (12.9%) 64.9 mg total lipid per 500 mg biomass, energy 1385.24 kJ per 100 gm biomass and pigments- chlorophyll a (1.44±0.047 mg/g), chlorophyll b (0.64±0.027 mg/g), total chlorophyll (2.09±0.073 mg/g) and total carotenoids (0.17±0.006 mg/g) (with acetone method) and chlorophyll a (1.76±0.026 mg/g), chlorophyll b (0.45±0.021 mg/g), total chlorophyll (2.21±0.046 mg/g) and total carotenoids (0.20±0.001 mg/g) (with DMSO method).

In Vivo Simulated In Vitro Model Of Solanum Villosum (Mill) Using Mammalian Liver Slice Technique

To evaluate the antioxidant status of ethanolic extract of Solanum villosum leaves (EESVL) using mammalian liver slice technique in in vivo simulated in vitro model. Antioxidant activity of Solanum villosum was studied against H2O2 induced free radicals in goat liver. Administration of H2O2 showed significant decline in the levels of antioxidant enzymes in liver homogenate. Pretreatment with Solanum villosum leaf extract had significant protection in those levels within normal range.

Impact Of Electroplating Industrial Effluent On The Hematology Of The Fish Catla Catla

Electroplating is considered a major polluting industry because it discharges toxic materials and heavy metals through wastewater (effluents) in environment. Hematological indices may be considered as stress indicators for estimation of the response reactions of the fish to various environmental conditions. The fish was exposed to different hours (24, 48, 72 and 96) in sub lethal concentration 5% electroplating effluent and parameters like RBC, WBC, HB, MCV, MCH MCHC, PCV has been analyzed.

Alkylation Of Benzene With Bioethanol Using A Zsm-5 Catalyst Modified With Nd

Alkylation of benzene over modified ZSM-5 catalysts with Nd and Pd has been done in a laboratory tubular reactor using a new modified zeolitic catalyst.  The alkylation experiments have been done at different reaction temperatures, pressures and benzene (ethylbenzene)/bioetanol molar ratio in order to establish their influence on the final composition of the reaction product, selectivity and conversion. The feed and products are analyzed by XR-Fluorescence Spectrometer and phase purity and phase purity were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD apparatus X'Pest PRO-MPD.

Effect of inoculation of salt tolerant mutant BGR CN-6M on growth and yield of blackgram var adt - 5 at graded levels of nitrogen

The performance of salt tolerant mutant BGR CN-6M was better than BGR CN-7M and their wild parents and also reference strain, BGR AU-1 in acid soil. The inoculation of BGR CN-6M to blackgram in acid soil significantly increased the growth parameters such as plant height and dry matter production and yield parameters such as number of branches plant-1, number of pods plan-1, number of dusters plant-1, test weight and grain yield at all levels of N tested.

In-vitro interaction of b-crystallin on serum amyloid a and serum amyloid a fibrils with bc3h1 cells

The BC3H1 smooth muscle cells of mice brain, BC3H1 is a permanent cell line derived from a mouse brain tumor. When these cells become quiescent, they express the muscle form of creatine phosphokinase, myokinase, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, as well as smooth muscle a-actin, all indicative of a muscle phenotype. This is important in relation to the activity of membrane proteins, because losing the activity of such systems will ultimately lead to malfunction or death of the cell.