Life Sciences

Studies on the effect of graded levels of nitrogen and azospirillum on yield of ashgourd (benincasa hispida cogn.) cv. co-1

An investigation was conducted to study the effect of graded levels of nitrogen and Azospiriilum on growth and yield of Ashgourd (Benincasa hispida cogn.) cv.CO-1" was taken up in a new area, vegetable unit, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar during 2014- 2016. The mineral nutrient nitrogen was applied at 5 levels viz., 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 kg ha"1 and Azospiriilum was applied in two levels [with Azospiriilum (At and without Azospiriilum (Ao)] and totally there were ten treatment combinations in three replications and the experiment was laid out in Randomized block design (RBD).

Screening Of Active Phytocompounds By Gc-Ms Analysis And In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Of Endemic Plant Pogostemon Mollis Benth

Medicinal plants have has a vital role in human culture and civilization. Herbal medicine as a choice for health care and the screening of medicinal plants for bioactive compounds is important. The study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity and photochemical constituents through Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectroscopy Analysis (GC-MS) and qualitative phytochemical screening of Pogostemon mollis Benth. Belongs to family Lamiaceae and also to determine the purity of crud drug by ash values.

Detection of genetic polymorphisms among commercial tea population and endemic wild tea plant (gordonia obtusa. Exut and arn) as revealed by rapd markers

Genomic fingerprinting of 4 tea plant genotypes was carried out using 7 RAPD multiloci primers. All the primers showed significant amplification in PCR Analysis. A total of 303 bands were produced in all the 4 clones with an average of 43.29% RAPD bands per primer. Among all the bands 16.83% were polymorphic in nature. The molecular size of the amplified DNA fragments ranged from 100 to 6000 bp. Dendrogram was constructed based on the genetic similarity matrix using the UPGMA algorithm, which showed two main clusters.

Insulin resistance in pcos: a comparitive study based on bmi

PCOS is of significant incidence in the females of reproductive age group. The easier modes of diagnostic techniques have created a unusual scenario of PCOS in the present day status. Aim: To study the hormonal imbalance and Insulin resistance in patients of PCOS. Materials and Methods: This is an observational study conducted in the clinical laboratory of Dept of Biochemistry, Maharajah’s Institute of Medical Sciences , Nellimarla and Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati.

A study of hepatic enzymes in hiv seropositive patients attending government general hopital, kurnool

Abnormalities of Liver Enzymes are common in Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Infected patients. Hepatic injury due to HIV leading to an increase in the Hepatic Enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP). Elevations in the liver enzymes signals injury to the liver cells and in some cases to other cells in the body. The activity of liver enzymes in 100 patients, aged 20-50 years, with HIV Seropositive infection was assessed and 50 age matched apparently healthy subjects tested negative for antibodies for HIV 1 and 2 sereved as control.

A study of lipid profile in hiv-positive patients attending government general hospital, kurnool

The present study assessed the lipid profile of HIV-infected patients attending the Government General Hospital, Kurnool during the period of 2009-2010. Fasting serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) and triglyceride (TG) were determined in sixty HIV-positive subjects and sixty age-matched HIV-negative controls.

Effect of fungal metabolites on seed health of green gram

Green gram, Black gram, Pigeon pea and chickpea are common pulses in diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. Numerous fungi affect pulses adversely causing reduction in seed content and seed health. During present study, effects of metabolites of seed-borne fungi on seed health are evaluated. Total seventeen fungi recorded from all test pulses. Out of these seventeen seed-borne fungi, six, Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, Drechslera tetramera and Rhizopus stolonifer, found to be common and dominant on four test pulses.

The effect of teaching and learning styles on students’ academic achievement in general chemistry 1 at the university of eastern philippines

This study was conducted to determine the effect of teaching and learning styles on students’ academic achievement in General Chemistry 1. There were 13 teachers and 123 students who were administered the Teaching Style Instrument and the Learning Style Inventory (LSI), respectively. Final grades of students were taken as evidence of their academic achievement. Findings revealed that teaching styles were transitional in teaching methods, student grouping, room design, teaching environment, teaching characteristics and educational philosophy.

A study of lipid profile in young smokers

Study of lipid profile in young smokers provides opportunity to explain the physiological consequences of the cigarette smoking activity. As the current report concerns solely to the study of lipid profile in normal healthy controls and smoking male subjects, the results of this study can be correlated with other biochemical, physiological and clinical aspects. This approach is hence, helpful for the future studies in understanding the underlying mechanism causing series of changes influenced by smoking activity.