Life Sciences

Isolation of bacteriophage against staphylococcus aureus causing mastitis

Some endemic diseases are associated with the dairy production these are called production diseases. One of them is mastitis. It is the most expensive disease that causes large economic effects. It is the most expensive diseases on dairy farms. Due to chronic nature of these diseases economic damage is spread out and economic damage of certain factors such as milk production decreases cannot seen directly. Mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus is a major concern to the dairy industry due to its resistance to antibiotic treatment.

Effect of temperature and ph on the stability of bacteriophage against staphylococcus aureus causing mastitis

An important disease that is economically important among the dairy cattle is mastitis. Its control is somehow complicated by high standard resistance to antibiotics. Hence, there is alternative way to control bacterial infection and contamination by phage therapy. In the present research we checked the effect of temperature and pH on the stability of bacteriophage against staphylococcus aureus causing mastitiswhich is isolated from the sewage water of dairy farm. The bacteriophage showed lytic activity against these bacteria.

Third and complete perineal tear risk factors and out come after treatment

Aims & Objective: To identify the risk factors for third and complete perinear tears,treatement and follwup of patients and recommendations for Prevention of perineal tears. Material & Methods: Study was conducted in Santhiram medical college from may 2014 to nov 2015 25cases of vaginal delivery with third & complete perineal tears were selected 21 cases were refer to our institution delivered somewere else and 4 cases were from our institute which our third degree perineal tears occurred due to instrumental delivery.

Gender differences in academic performance of agricultural education students in colleges of education, Nigeria

The study investigated sex difference in students’ academic performance in agricultural education in Colleges of Education in Nigeria. Kwara Sate College of Education, Oro was used as a case study. A total of 241 students of 2005 - 2009 Agricultural education graduates were used for the study. The moderated examination results of these students were used as research instrument. Data were analyzed using arithmetic mean and T-test. The result revealed keen competition with no significant difference between the performances of both sexes.

Evaluation of antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties of the traditional medicinal plant, cryptolepis grandiflora wight (apocynaceae)

To evaluate the antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects of methanolic leaf extract of the traditional medicinal plant, Cryptolepis grandiflora. The plant leaves were subjected to solvent extraction by using methanol for obtaining crude extract. The crude extract (9.12g/ml) was tested for assaying antioxidant properties by total antioxidant (ABTS•+), DPPH•, reducing power and metal chelating activities.

Gc-ms analysis of phytocomponents of piper schmidtii, hook. f. (piperaceae)

The present investigation was carried out to determine the possible bioactive components of Piper schmidtii. The chemical compositions of the methanolic extract of aerial parts of P. schmidtii were investigated using GC-MS, while the mass spectra of the compounds found in the extract was matched with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library. Results showed that essential oil of the sample has a complex mixture of thirty compounds, many of which are found in trace amounts. Hence, the identified phytocomponents can be used as a pharmacognostical tool.

Phytoconstituents analysis, and gc-ms profiling of tubers of ipomoea mauritiana jacq (convolvulaceae)

The aim of this study is to quantify the amount of phenols, tannins and flavonoids present in different fractions of root tubers of Ipomoea mauritiana, a traditional medicinal twining shrub and GC-MS profiling of acetone extract. It was found that the higher contents of phenolics (285.05mg GAE/g extract), tannins (190.02mgGAE/g extract) and flavonoids (174.44mgRE/g extract) were determined to be present in acetone fraction. Further, the GC-MS analysis of the acetone extract revealed the presence of 27major compounds. It indicates the presence of therapeutic potential of this species.

In vitro antioxidant activity of hydrocotyle conferta wight (apiaceae) - an endangered plant species in southern western ghats

Hydrocotyle conferta Wight is an endangered plant species in Southern Western Ghats. Methanolic whole plant extract of H. conferta study was investigated for various DPPH, ABTS, hydroxyl radical scavenging, reducing power and ferrous ion chelating assays. The results of DPPH activity showed that the extract at the dose of 50μg/ml has exhibited in 89.15±0.16 inhibition with an IC50 value of 34.21±0.52mg/ml.

Evaluation of some medicinal plant extracts against mosquito culexpipienslarvae and snail biomphalariaalexandrina

Mosquitoes transmit serious human diseases, causing millions of deaths every year.Snails' species are associated with transmission parasitic disease as intermediate host. The environmental problems caused by overuse of high toxicity, non-biodegradable materials of pesticides and the residue in soil, water resources and crops that affect public health. Thus, on the one hand, one needs to search the new highly selective, biodegradable pesticides and environmental friendly pesticides.

Latent effect of cleomedroserifolia ethanolextract on the development ofochlerotatuscaspius and culexpipiens

Mosquitoes are the most important vectors for serious human and animal diseases causing millions of deaths every year. Among these diseases, malaria, yellow fever, dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever, filariasis and Rift Valley fever at endemic and epidemic areas in many countries. The ethanolic extract of Cleomedroserifolia was evaluated against Culexpipiens and Ochlerotatuscaspius LC50 were 178.61 & 162.63 respectively. The pupation percent was significantly reduces as a result of extract application Culexpipiens.