Physical Sciences and Engineering

On-the-go guide: evsu ormoc mobile handbook for students

This study focuses on building and developing a student handbook that will be essential for the Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc(EVSU-OC)Community using a mobile application. This paper aims to enhance the overall student experience at the university using modern technology. This study uses the Iterative Agile Model as the software development life cycle as well as a descriptive research method. The software Figma is used to design and prototype the system.

Phenomenology in photography: le corbusier's phenomenological expression

Different art practices, the interpretation and understanding of the concept of art, different mediums and artists' forms/contents of objects can be compared. In this comparison, the relationship between aesthetic sensation and the subject perceiving the art object can be examined. In this regard, it is possible to examine it in the phenomenological philosophy of perception, in aesthetic perception, in the context of perceiving-receptive phenomena and perception.

Exploring the interconnections of green financing, financial development, technological innovation, and agricultural production: evidence from Tanzania

This study explores the interconnections between green financing, financial development, technological innovation, and agricultural production in Tanzania, guided by Keynesian and endogenous growth theories. Using annual data from 1990 to 2023, the research employs the Phillips-Perron unit root test and the Bound cointegration test and the ARDL model evaluate the stationarity, cointegration and long-run equilibrium relationships respectively.

Smart networks of tomorrow: how ai and ml are powering the 6g revolution

The advent of 6G technology heralds a new era in wireless communication, promising unprecedented speeds, ultra-low latency, and ubiquitous connectivity. Central to this revolution are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), which underpin the development of smart networks capable of self-optimization, intelligent resource management, and adaptive security mechanisms.

The hydrogen bond

The nature of the hydrogen bond is studied in the context of the Spacetime Wave Theory. The usual description of a covalent bond is: a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs, and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding [1].

Study on the long-term use of different sites at the chengdu universiade after the games

It is well known that large international sports events have various issues with the operation of stadiums after participation. This paper investigates the performance of stadiums after the Chengdu Universiade through a literature method and a field method. Due to the epidemic, the Chengdu Universiade was postponed from its original 2021 bidding time to 2023. After various delays, it was finally decided to open on July 28, 2023, which was also the first global event to be held in southwestern China.

Intelligence psychologique des enfants places dans les orphelinats de la ville de kinshasa et ses facteurs explicatifs

L’intelligence psychologique, un domaine d’intérêt croissant pour les scientifiques, joue un rôle crucial dans divers aspects de la vie, notamment les relations interpersonnelles, la prise de décision et la gestion du stress. En développant cette forme d’intelligence, une personne peut améliorer sa communication, renforcer son empathie et favoriser un environnement social positif.

Decarbonizing the workforce: The role of remote work in achieving A net-zero economy

This paper examines the potential of post-COVID remote work to decarbonize the workforce and support the transition to a net-zero economy. By reducing commuting and decreasing the demand for office space, remote work can help to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It highlights that, to reduce the climate impact of the transportation sector, which is responsible for 28% of U.S. emissions, cutting back on commuting presents an easily achievable way to save on greenhouse gas emissions.