Physical Sciences and Engineering

Determination of lighting levels in classrooms of a university in Mexico

Lighting in classrooms refers to the entire set of devices that are installed to produce lighting effects. This aspect, although largely ignored, is of utmost importance in the development and learning of students within classrooms, laboratories and different educational sites. learning in schools. Their good or bad implementation has a great impact on teaching results, performance and fatigue for all those who use them.

Market risk assessment using deep learning model and fog computing infrastructure

Assessing credit risk is a crucial duty inside financial institutions, ensuring sound lending procedures and reducing the probability of defaults. Traditional methods can face challenges in adapting to changing market conditions and handling large volumes of data. Machine learning (ML) offers an appealing solution by enabling automated and data-driven methods for credit risk assessment.

Assessment of Invigorating Therapeutics and Adverse Influences of Antiepileptic Medications with the Assistance of Epileptic Patients

Epilepsy (EP) is a ceaseless issue in modern nations because of tobacco smoking, hot food varieties, way of life changes, albuminuria, ulcers, IBS, skin rashes and deferred wounds. Many of these contemporary synthetic drugs were treated through EP-associated disease conditions to expel less therapeutic efficacy, unwanted effects and unknowing unwanted effects. Our present survey found to estimate the various parameters of antiepileptic drug-consuming patients in various zones of Kerala. The literature surveyed based on a selected cohort was used.

Circling the square with straightedge & compass in euclidean geometry

There are three classical problems remaining from ancient Greek mathematics which are extremely influential in the development of Geometry. They are Trisecting An Angle, Squaring The Circle, and Doubling The Cube problems. I solve the Squaring The Circle problem, of which paper is published in the International Journal Of Mathematics Trends And Technology (Volume 69, June 2023).

A Cross-Country comparative analysis of working hours and rest periods for sea Fishermen: Insights and policy implications using the Quadruple Helix Multi-Case Comparative Theory

This study analyzes the working time and rest period regulations of representative fishing countries in Europe and Asia for the International Labour Organization's (ILO) C188 - Work in Fishing Convention, 2007. The Quadruple Helix method is used to explore policy implications for the protection and representation of fishermen's working time and rest periods in each country.

The Ethiopian calendar's unusual calculations and comparison: deciphering its exceptionality

A calendar is a collection of days and dates humans use to guide their daily activities. The Ethiopian calendar system is significant in the socio-cultural lives of the Ethiopian people, who aspire to live peaceful lives. They believe the universe will be harmonious when people can coexist peacefully with God, one another, and the universe in a balanced way. With a comparison to the calendar system of another nation, this article seeks to establish the accuracy of the calculations performed with the Ethiopian calendar.

Assessment of functional mobility of elderly males and females from high altitude regions of India

The objective of the present study was to assess the functional mobility of male and female elderly subjects residing in high-altitude regions of India. The study was performed on 300 elderly males and 300 elderly females between the age range of 60 to 70 years residing in Tehri, Uttarakhand. The selected elderly subjects were chosen purposively and none have any history of serious medical illness. To assess the problems of functional mobility of the selected subjects, a pre-validated functional mobility scale was developed.

Prevalence of occupational musculoskeletal disorders in hairsalon workers in a city of central India

Background: Hairdressing is a profession which is blooming in modern time not only in money making but also as a desired line of work for the youth. The mechanical load on the joints, prolonged standing, longer working hours, missed meals, not taking breaks during work, and attending to a large number of customers in a single day significantly add as important occupational health risks for these professionals.

Spatial variation of reef fish based on coral lifeform on lihaga island, likupang, north sulawesi

The world's coral reefs are under increasing pressure due to local and global triggering factors (e.g., acidification, pollution, plastic waste, rising temperatures, and wastewater) that degrade the condition and function of coral reefs. These pressures have the potential to cause drastic changes in coral reefs, such as a "shift to the algal phase," in which Scleractinia coral-dominated communities "switch" to macroalgae-dominated communities or less productive algal grasses.