Physical Sciences and Engineering

Some basic postulates of prince prof. momchil dobrev – halachev’s and prof. mariolagaribova-dobreva’s “theory of the universe”, “theory of energy- iinformation genetics, energy- information medicine, - psychology”, based on which prof. momtchil dobrev won

In this paper are described studies of the team of Prince Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Princess Prof. Mariola Garibova proving the truth about depression as a mental disorder based on THEORY OF THE UNIVERSUM developed by Prof. Mariola Gariova and Prof. Lord Momtchil Döbrev - Halachev in the Year 2005, Basics of the Cosmological Theory of Information and Vortex Field Theory developed by Lord Prof. Momtchil Döbrev - basic structure of the universe. 2006 bothe Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev and Princes Lady Prof.

Research progress of bismuth-based photocatalytic antibacterial materials

Antibiotics are a kind of substances which can inhibit or kill some other pathogenic microorganisms. However, the abuse of traditional antibiotics has made the problem of bacterial drug resistance more and more serious.Recently, bismuth based photocatalysis antibacterial materials have attracted much attentiondue to its high activity, long antibacterial duration, good thermal stability, small side effects and low cost. In this paper, In this paper, we focus on reviewing the research progress of bismuth-based composites in photocatalytic antibacterial.

Accessing the utaut framework in the adoption of insurance policies among smes in ibadan, Nigeria

The current study investigated The rate at which SMEs go into extinction is alarming especially in emerging economies due to poor government policies and in-enabling business environment. It is expected that SMEs would take advantage of insurance policies to cover the obvious risks that they face. This study makes use of the UTAUT theory popularly applied to technology to understand what motivates SMEs to adopt insurance policies. The study enumerated 376 SMEs in the city of Ibadan Nigeria.

Teacher motivational competence as correlate of perceived outcome of computer studies instruction in secondary schools in rivers state

This study investigated the correlation between teacher motivational competence and perceived outcome of Computer Studies instruction in Secondary Schools in Rivers State. A correlational research design was adopted. The population for this study comprised 379 Computer Studies teachers and 222750 students of the government owned senior secondary schools in Rivers State. The purposive sampling techniques was adopted in this study in obtaining 379 Computer Studies teachers and 18950 students, making a total sample of 19329 respondents.

Manual hyperinflation versus rib springing technique in mechanically ventilated patients with lung collapse

Aim: This study was conducted to compare the effect of manual hyperinflation and rib springing technique in mechanically ventilated patients with lung collapse. Martials and methods: forty mechanically ventilated patients with lung collapse who were admitted to the intensive care unit participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 30 to 40 years and randomly distributed into two equal groups: group (A and B).

Factors affecting learners in the statistic applied to education at the university institutions in cabinda and m’banza congo

This study aims to identify the factors that underlie the difficulties in the teaching-learning process of Statistics Applied to Education at ISCED-Cabinda and at the Higher Pedagogical Social Sciences Arts and Humanities Institute of M’Banza Congo.

Overwintering performance of six bougainvillea varieties in jianghan plain

In order to introduce the planting and cultivation of Bougainvillea spectabilis in Jianghan area, domesticate the varieties that can adapt to the climate of Jianghan plain, improve the market competitiveness of B. spectabilis and make it more widely popularized. A comparative experiment on overwintering cold resistance was carried out with six Bougainvillea varieties introduced from Yunnan, China. By comparing the freezing injury degree of B.

Safety and efficacy of early supervised mobilization after recent decompensation of heart failure

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome in which structural or functional cardiac disorders result in an impaired cardiac function causing symptoms that vary according to the underlying pathology of heart failure. Patients with heart failure are often challenged by the loss of independence and compromised functional abilities associated with the symptoms. This is why comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation including supervised exercise is advised.

Production et analyse de la qualité nutritionnelle et microbiologique de la spiruline à la ferme de dogondoutchi au niger

Objectif: L’objectif général de cette étude, est de contribuer à documenter précisément le déroulement de la culture de spiruline à Doutchi et l’analyse de ses qualités nutritionnelles et hygiéniques. Objectifs spécifiques: Suivre la production de la spiruline dans trois bassins de 100 m2 pendant 10 jours et analyser les qualités nutritionnelles et microbiologiques de la spiruline.

Relación histopatológica entre el pirads y el grado grupo de pacientes con diagnostico de cáncer de prostata, sometidos a prostatectomía radical asistida por robot en el centro médico naval

Introducción: El cáncer de próstata (CaP) es la proliferación descontrolada de las células epiteliales (secretoras luminales, células basales o células neuroendocrinas) de la glándula prostática, maligno y con pronóstico heterogéneo relacionado principalmente a la edad, grado grupo, nivel de Antígeno prostático especifico (APE), tipo de cáncer, duplicación del APE, hallazgos quirúrgicos, entre otros.