Some basic postulates of prince prof. momchil dobrev – halachev’s and prof. mariolagaribova-dobreva’s “theory of the universe”, “theory of energy- iinformation genetics, energy- information medicine, - psychology”, based on which prof. momtchil dobrev won
In this paper are described studies of the team of Prince Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Princess Prof. Mariola Garibova proving the truth about depression as a mental disorder based on THEORY OF THE UNIVERSUM developed by Prof. Mariola Gariova and Prof. Lord Momtchil Döbrev - Halachev in the Year 2005, Basics of the Cosmological Theory of Information and Vortex Field Theory developed by Lord Prof. Momtchil Döbrev - basic structure of the universe. 2006 bothe Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev and Princes Lady Prof.