Social Sciences and Humanities

Soil physical, hydraulic and chemical properties as influenced by different land use and slope positions along a toposequence in ado ekiti, Nigeria

Several attempts have been made to relate soil properties to slope position for many landscapes essentially due to the realization of the role toposequence plays in influencing runoff, soil erosion and hence soil formation. However, information remains fragmentary on the relationship between toposequence and changes in the properties of soils of Ekiti State. In this study, selected physical, hydraulic and chemical properties of the soils along a toposequence in Ado Ekiti were evaluated.

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the triage system among the nursing students at selected colleges, Kurnool

The Triage system is an emergency care unit during disasters. It ensures medical resources are allocated efficiently and providing timely. Student nurses are being part of Triage medical team can assist casualties, assess them quickly and categorize their conditions by the use of color coding in triage system. The study approached through quantitative research by Quasi experimental design. Future research is recommended to conduct comparative study between urban area and rural area on nursing students with large samples.

E-governance and improved healthcare management system in sub-saharan africa (ssa): lessons from the estonian success in the management of covid-19 pandemic

Many commentators did not give Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africans, a chance of survival at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, based on the existing weak healthcare system and the prevalence of other numerous underlying diseases and susceptibilities; there were shortfalls in hospital beds, physicians, and hospitals, making it difficult to manage sicknesses during the pandemic.

Impact of toxic work environment on employee turnover intention in pharmaceutical industry, Klang Valley, Malaysia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the impact of toxic work environment and employee turnover intention from pharmaceutical industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Employee turnover is getting higher in recent years. It becomes a concern of the organization whereby the employees are decided to leave voluntary or involuntary. One of the reasons contributed to this high turnover would be toxic work environment.

Strategies for the creation of a sustainable athens assessment method and brief statistical analysis

The purpose of this paper is to showcase the use of strategies in the creation of sustainable cities. Our University studies have informed us already that strategies offer the potential to showcase the competitive advantages of the city in which one lives, for instance. This can trigger higher tourist influxes, increased investments, better local and social growth, with the city thus gradually established as a sustainable city.

Corporate governance, firm characteristics and voluntary information disclosure in quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria

This paper examined the effect of corporate governance, firm characteristics and voluntary information disclosure in quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The corporate governance was Proxied by gender diversity, audit committee size, audit committee meeting frequency and risk management committees; firm characteristics was equally proxy by leverage, firm size, audit firm type, and profitability while voluntary information disclosure was proxied by disclosure checklist.

The sustainer of ancient vedic philosophical principles; pramukh swami: the inspirer of the swaminarayan bhāṢya

This paper aims to illuminate the contribution of Pramukh Swami Maharaj in sustaining the Vedic philosophical principles propagated by Bhagavān Swaminarayan two centuries back. However, the period of two hundred years is enough to change the phenomenon of historical, social, religious and moral aspects. Consequently, these changes can also be perceived in the various philosophical principles which stand at two different and vast time zones.

School child protection measures against neglect for children with disabilities in special education schools

This paper examined the The purpose was to to explore, how protected are children with disabilities from neglect in selected special education schools. Interpretive paradigm with Qualitative intrinsic case study design was employed. The sample size comprised of 38 participants who included head teachers, teachers, learners and parents who were selected by purposive In-depth-structured interview guide and focus group discussions guide (FGD) were used to collect data and data were analysed by thematic analysis.

Introducing Covid shield rider in UFIC medical insurance

The Covid Pandemic created an adverse effect on society and posed a threat to day to day living of all. It was a necessity to continue the daily activities under these challenging circumstances. One of the biggest challenges faced was increased expenses on health care. Due to their job losses, sudden increase in product prices and the requirement for extra medical support, the common man was struggling to meet the two ends.