Social Sciences and Humanities

Assessing the efficacy of community-based treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug surrenderers in barangay dapitan, municipality of cordova: a comprehensive analysis of impact and sustainability

This study explores the effectiveness of the community-based treatment and rehabilitation program for drug surrenderers in Barangay Dapitan, Municipality of Cordova. Utilizing a comprehensive survey, data were gathered and analyzed to assess the demographic characteristics of participants and evaluate the outcomes of rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. Findings indicate a prevalence of male participants aged 44-50, suggesting a correlation with drug use and health-related concerns.

The successful tuseme model in Burkina Faso

In sub-Saharan Africa, the issue of girls' education remains a major concern in terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4. This issue involves several aspects, such as school retention and success. In Burkina Faso, keeping girls in school and ensuring their success is one of the major concerns of the education authorities. Despite the government's efforts, gender inequalities still persist. While parity has been achieved at primary level, inequalities still persist at secondary level despite all the efforts made.

Development of unmanned aerial systems as a case study in nagorno-karabakh and Ukraine

More than a century after the first aircraft were used in combat, drones are fundamentally changing the modern battlefield, offering a huge comparative advantage to the armed forces that own them. Over the last decade, they have played an increasing role in armed conflict and modern warfare. The mass and low cost of use have led to a veritable revolution in the design of the modern battlefield. Drones lower the cost of war and can provide even a small country air superiority during war.

Combatting wildlife crime: assessing the community's awareness of the city ordinance on illegal fishing in olango Island for sustainable conservation efforts

This study delves into the awareness levels among fisherfolks in Lapu-Lapu City, specifically in Barangays San Vicente, Tingo, and Sabang, regarding Lapu-Lapu City Ordinance No. 93. The ordinance, which prohibits the use of cyanide and destructive fishing methods, outlines penalties for violations. Through comprehensive surveys and rigorous data analysis, the research assesses fisherfolks' comprehension of prohibited acts and associated penalties.

Transforming lives: assessing the impact and success of the community-based treatment and rehabilitation program for drug surrenderers in barangay dapitan, municipality of cordova

This research investigates the operations and outcomes within Lapu-Lapu City Jail, emphasizing the impact of family structures, legal marital status, and the implementation of guidelines for handling special needs on the rehabilitation and reintegration of persons deprived of liberty (PDL). Findings reveal that inmates aged 25 to mid-30s are more prone to criminal involvement, with family and marital status playing a significant role.

Journey into transformation: lived experiences of former inmates in therapeutic community modality program (TCMP)

This research delves into the transformative journey of individuals engaged in the Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) within correctional facilities.The specific focus of this study was on individuals who had undergone the Therapeutic Community Modality Program and were subsequently released from Talisay City Jail in Talisay City. The study employs a qualitative approach, gathering rich narratives from informants who have navigated pre-released and post-released experiences.

Criminologist journey in city traffic enforcement

A Criminologist is any person who is a graduate of the Degree of Criminology, who has passed the examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the Board and is deemed to be engaged in the practice of Criminology if he holds himself out to the public in any of the following capacities: as a professor, as law enforcement administrator, as technician in any scientific aspects of crime detection, as correctional administrator or officer in any correctional and penal institution as counselor, expert, researcher in any government or private agency on any aspects o

Beyond bars: unveiling the transformative life stories of former inmates

In the intricate tapestry of societal dynamics, the experiences of individuals within the criminal justice system constitute a profound and often overlooked facet. Among these individuals, former inmates bear the weight of a unique journey navigating incarceration, grappling with the consequences of their actions, and striving for redemption upon release. This research embarks on an explorative odyssey into the transformative life stories of former inmates, with a specific focus on their experiences within the confines of Mandaue City Jail.

Comparative study on non-performing assets of selected private and public sector banks

The banking industry which is essential to the development of an economy often play with non-performing assets. An asset for which the borrower has not paid the interest or principal for the given period of time, it is referred to as a non-performing asset in India. This is as per the as per compliance in accordance with the guidelines issued by RBI. As non-performing assets increase, banks become more cautious in the disbursement of the loans. As a result, there is less flow of credit to industries which in turns creates a problem of payments.

Les enjeux de la qualité dans les collectivités locales marocaines

Cet articlea pour objectif de traiter la question de la légitimité de la qualité au sein des collectivités locales marocaines, à travers l’étude des tenants et aboutissant des enjeux qui poussent les collectivités locales marocaines à faire de la qualité. Dans un premier lieu, nous nous attachons à présenter les obstacles liés à l’introduction des démarches qualité au sein des communes marocaines. Ensuite seront abordés les enjeux politiques, économiques et sociaux provoquant le recours à la recherche de la qualité.