Social Sciences and Humanities

Corporate social responsibility and its impact on latin american business competitiveness la responsabilidad social corporativa y su impacto para la competitividad empresarial latinoamericana

El presente artículo explora la potencialidad del paradigma de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) y su impacto en la competitividad de las empresas de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). En primer lugar, se define el concepto, analizando cómo ha evolucionado desde los años 70, para, posteriormente, trazar un cuadro general acerca de las perspectivas que la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa abre una región como la latinoamericana.

The sanctional economic war of the deep mafia in the usa, eu, great britain and other contries against russia - leads to the end of the deep mafia financial system, the end of the hegemony of global neoliberal capitalism and russia to become the richest c

The consideration of sanctions imposed by NATO, the United States, the European Union, Britain and other states over Russia must be considered thoroughly, regardless of all the facts, evidence, factors, benefits of these sanctions for which countries.

Need of urban employment guarantee scheme in India

At present India is said to be third largest economy in the world in terms of PPP. However, we still need to find out solutions for high poverty, income inequality and large unemployment. Poor health, malnutrition and low literacy rate are other issues. Provision of employment can solve most of these issues. Hence, in this paper it is tried to focus on the possibility of urban employment guarantee scheme in line of MGNREGS. So that urban labour needs not to go back to rural area in distress situation like recent covid19.

Privatisation of banks boon or bane

Recently, government of India has hinted that public sector banks can be privatized. This led to unrest among the bank employees and they went on protest strike. In this paper it is tried to show that how few (20) private banks has been nationalized in 1980’s and same banks now government want to privatize. Motive of nationalization and motive behind privatization seems to be contradictory; same has been highlighted in this paper.

Russia's war against ukraine - a war for a new multipolar world order and who will rule the world against the deep-seated „anaconda“ mafia plans of the united states, nato, the european union, britain, and global mafia liberal capitalism and mafiaism to e

The emergence of the Ukraine-Russia military conflict must be thoroughly considered, independently, taking into account all the facts, evidence, factors, dangers of this conflict for the whole world. ".

World championship 2022 in law for princess lady prof mariola garibova-dobreva and prince lord prof. momtchil dobrev-halachev and for their theory of the degree of justice / injustice /, theory of degree of democracy and theory of socio-humanismus

Prince Lord Prof. PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev and Princess Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva developed 2006 “Theory of degree of justice / injustice /“ q “ Theory of degree of democracy” and “Theory of SOCIO-HUMANISMUS” based on their practice in court, prosecutor's office, state and especially the practice of Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva as a judge with decades of experience as a civil and criminal judge . Prof.

World championship 2019 in economics/finance for prince lord prof. momtchil dobrev-halachev – „the father of the modern finance” - for his theory of mafiotismus, financial banking resorce technological mafia-driven materialismus, тtheory of mafia, theory

In the year 2001 Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev developed the Theory of the mafia and Theory of corruption. All the both theories has been developed by analyzing the mafia and the corruption all over the World, Bulgaria, Germany, European Union, and other countires. In the year 2010 Prince Lord Prof.

Comparative inter-civilisational formulas from school of platonism and school of confucianism: inter-civilisational theorisation of international development issues from inter-philosophical perspectives

This manuscript attempts to comparatively decipher the acroamaticsubstances from Platonism and Confucianism, followed by amalgamation of their intrinsic reciprocity and heterogeneity, and then seeks to theorise international development issues that may be theoretically addressed on the grounds of both international relations theory and theoretical merits of Platonism and Confucianism.