Social Sciences and Humanities

Perceptions on the impact of green procurement on profitability among fuel retailers operating in mashonaland central province in Zimbabwe

The objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions on the impact of green procurement on profitability among fuel retailers in Zimbabwe. The study also explored the green procurement practices implemented, the challenges faced in implementing green procurement and ways to develop positive perceptions towards the impact of green procurement on profitability among fuel retailers. The study was qualitative and confined to a sample of 12 participants. Interviews, observation and document analysis were utilised to collect data.

The effect of equality (adl) on organizational productivity: the islamic point of view

Equality is very crucial in ensuring a better working relationship between the employers and employees as well as enhancing the organizational performance. The negative effect of discrimination has crippled the development of many organizations especially in the developing countries. This study aims to determine the effect of inequality on organizational performance from Islamic point of view. Sample of this study comprises of senior and junior staff of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria.

Study on impact of government schemes on development of weaker sections in Mysore district

This study was deliberate to evaluate the impact government schemes on development of weaker sections in Mysore district. This research article included the following objectives; to analyse the impact of government schemes on development of weaker sections in Mysore district. The questionnaire format was applied in order to collect data. Primary data source was used and data was analyzed using the chi square statistical tool at 1%, 5%, and 10% Level of significance which was presented in frequency tables and percentages. The respondents under the study were 470 in Mysore district.

A reading of the concepts of freedom and equality in the islamic approach to democracy

Freedom and equality are two substantial concepts that political thinkers have attempted to explore throughout history. Their responses have led to various philosophical and intellectual schools. No political system has been set up and reached stability without appropriately answering these two basic questions. As a modern lifestyle predominant in the majority of human societies, democracy addresses these two concepts not as questions but as two substantial assumptions. These two concepts, along with public sovereignty and liberalism, have become the critical points of democracy.

Post-loop electrosurgical excision recurrent lesion correlated to over expression of p16/ki-67

La recidiva de lesión es un problema de Salud Pública en México, alcanzando una incidencia de hasta 21.1% postratamineto. La sobreexpresión de inmunohistoquímica de p16/ki67 se da sobretodo en pacientes con lesiones de alto grado, las cuales son en las que tiene mayor riesgo de evolucionar a enfermedad maligna. Las lesiones de alto grado son aquellas junto a varios factores de riesgo los que tienen más probabilidad de recidivar.

Prisoners and prison life in the princely state: a case study of colonial Tripura

The present paper deals with the issue of prisoners and their life in the Princely State of Tripura. With the advent of British power in India, the princely state had indirect relations with British power. Due to the contact with colonial power, the indigenous or native rule in India became modified and codification of law and orders, also regulations were introduced in the line of British pattern. It was under the Ministry of Umkanta Babu of Tripura State, for the first time recognized the jails after the British pattern.

The use of games to promote communicative skills in efl: the case of 10th graders at padre builu school-cabinda

This study deals with the use of games to promote communicative skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It results from the problem statement that follows: teachers do not use the best methods or techniques in order to teach the English language. They do not use techniques that really meet the pupils’ needs. The study investigates the effectiveness of using games in the teaching/learning English as a Foreign Language. It aims at finding out whether this teaching technique helps learners to effectively learn English and well remember new words and structures.

Political thought of modern era Iranian thinkers

The objective of this article is to study the Political thought of modern era Iranian thinkers according to the historical evolution of political thought in contemporary Iran influenced by modernity based on the theoretical framework of discourse. Iranian political thought continued for centuries (nearly 8 centuries) in the form of Islamic monarchy or just and religious sultan in Iranian society. This thought consisted of two components of Iranian and Islamic culture.

Tanah lot tourism attraction based on tri hita karana

Cultural tourism has become the juridical basis of Bali tourism, including giving the spirit of places that become Tourist Attractions (DTW). Tanah Lot Tourism Attraction is one of the tourist sites that prioritizes Hindu religious culture and is managed with the principle of balance as outlined in the Tri Hita Karana concept. Tanah Lot Temple which originally functioned as a holy place for Hindu worshipers, but now its function is increasing as an object of cultural tourism.

Struggles of women behind “a cup of tea”: a study on the tea tribe women of Assam

Assam is known for its tea and tea industries. Women workers are an asset and backbone of the tea industry, from planting to plucking women are 150% more efficient than the males (Koshy and Tiwari et al, 2011) and despite their contributions women workers in the production of tea have always been relegated to the bottom strata and considered the most abundant and cheapest labour force rather than as a source of specialized labour. Women Workers still earn low wages other unorganized sectors; suffer from low levels of health care and personal well-being.