Social Sciences and Humanities

Impact of tipuk satra on moran community

The Moran ethnic is the aboriginal people of Upper Brahmaputra valley (presently Tinsukia District) and they originally worshipped Kechaikhati Devi in their traditional form of sacrifice.Under the influence of Mayamara Vaishnavism, they gradually gave up their old religious practices and adopted the rites and rituals of Mayamara Vaishnavism. The Tipuk Satra, a branch of Mayamara Satra, influenced their society in such a way that the tribal behaviours like jhum cultivation, sacrificing animals and scattered life style were gradually disappeared from their society.

Evaluación funcional del tratamiento de fracturas de radio distal usando la mayo wrist score

Introducción: La escala de valoración de la clínica Mayo (MWS) por sus siglas en inglés, evalúa la funcionalidad de la muñeca desde el punto de vista del dolor, estado laboral, movilidad y fuerza de precisión. Las placas de ángulo variado han otorgado a los cirujanos mayor versatilidad que la fijación interna ya que permite responder ante diferentes eventualidades o panoramas de la fractura y fijar fragmentos óseos específicos.

Decision support systems and systems thinking: admission in Saudi universities

In order to improve the efficiency of the admission system in the Saudi universities, this paper will recommend applying modern approaches related to Decision Support Systems (DSS) through systems thinking. Some of the limitations in the traditional Saudi admission system are discussed and how these problems can be solved through the use of system thinking. The traditional admission system in Saudi universities does not consider the flexible interactions between the individual components of the admission system.

The mediating effect of principal’s leadership attributes on the relationship between school climate and work engagement of teachers

This study aimed to determine the mediating effect of principal’s leadership attributes on the relationship between school climate and work engagement of public elementary school teachers in the division of Island Garden City of Samal. Stratified random sampling technique was used which included 363 teachers as respondents.

Development, implementation and evaluation of technology reflective inquiry based physics instructional model: towards students’ learning

Innovative instructional models are essential in the promotion of quality Science education. Continuous efforts are made to improve the teaching learning process that is geared towards 21st century education. In the 21st century classroom, teachers are facilitators of student learning and creators of productive classroom environments in which students can develop their knowledge, skills and attitude they will need in their field.

Crime, control and criminal justice from dinajpur to west dinajpur district: a historical outline

The history of the district of Dinajpur is very old one. From very old time this district was ruled by several rulers up to the coming of the British in India. After the advent British in Bengal, the district came under the control of the East India Company in 1765. From the advent of British in Bengal and even up to the post colonial phase the entire district was under some offensive activities.

Stream-wise comparison the self-esteem level of undergraduate college teachers

Teachers hold the key to success of teaching learning process which secure student’s future. Their unique skills help to mould and shape the society. The college teachers are supreme role to build a creative generation who will lead the nation to development, to highest peak of success. Their self-esteem is most important to their everyday happiness and success to teaching-learning process. But hardly few studies have been conducted in the area of college teacher’s self-esteem and their stream of teaching particularly India as well as West Bengal.

Local and foreign university students: who has more prevalence in suffering eating disorders?

Background: Eating disorders are mental disorders characterized by developing pathological behavior against food intake and an obsession with weight control which, nowadays, have a higher prevalence in adolescents and young people attending university. Objective: The objective of this study is to compare the prevalence of eating disorders in foreign and local students at the Mexico Valley University in Veracruz. Methods: A sample of one hundred students was taken, which were evaluated through a survey containing the SCOFF test, a validated test for eating disorders screening.

Game of laxity between female sex hormones in menstrual cycle & ligamentous structures: a mini literature review

Background: Incidence of joint laxity in the overall population is 5% to 20%, and its prevalence is higher in females. Increased joint laxity in females increases chances of frequent non-contact injuries. Women are at a greater risk for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries and other knee joint related injuries than are men. Purpose: The purpose of this review was to understand the effect of MC & associated hormonal fluctuations on changes in structural compositions and function of ligamentous structures. Methods: A total of 15 references were included.

Relationship between discipline as a management tool and effective job performance of academic staff in cross river university of technology, Calabar

This paper investigated the relationship between discipline as a management tool and academic staff job performance in Cross River State University of Technology (CRUTECH). The study adopted a survey-descriptive case study design because the events had taken place in their natural course of happening. One research question and one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study.