Social Sciences and Humanities

Study on dynamic injection characteristics of explosion-proof diesel engine oil cavity

Explosion-proof diesel engine has a strong adaptability to harsh environment, but also has strict requirements for oil injection characteristics. According to the theory of hydrodynamics, a physical model was built to test the capture rate under different spacing between nozzle hole and oil inlet. The relationship between injection temperature and pressure in injection chamber and injection characteristics of nozzle was obtained.

Thermodynamic analysis of tower crane standard joint

Welding is very important in the manufacturing process of tower crane, which can directly affect the safety and reliability of the whole tower crane. This paper takes the standard section of tower crane as the research object, and calculates the thermodynamics by analyzing the welding process between the support rod and the reinforcement rod. The transient temperature field and stress field at different time were obtained by thermo-mechanical coupling method. In addition, metallographic analysis was carried out for different regions of the weld.

Phālgunapūr Ṇimahotsa: a spring festival in bavi Ṣya purā Ṇa

A Demoness as the central component of the festival and its celebration. This festival is connected with the story of a Demoness Ḍhaunḍhā and her destruction by the fire during in the Phālgunotsava which falls on the full Moon day at the end of Phālguna. The festival is celebrated on the last day of Phālguna at Pourṇami in all villages and cities. Phālgunotsava celebrating for destroying a Demoness named Ḍhaunḍhā. A variety of description of the Vasantotsava record the adventured of this Demoness under the name Holākā and detail her destruction at this time.

An overview of digital marketing trends

In a world where over a 170 million people use social media on a regular basis, every working professional is expected to be familiar with at least the core tenets of Digital Marketing. In simple terms, Digital Marketing is the promoting of products over the internet or any form of electronic media. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, "Digital Marketing is the use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to targeted consumers and businesses. People are consuming digital content on a daily basis.

Term structure of inflationary expectation in Rwanda

This paper examines term structure of future changes in inflation in Rwanda, using monthly Treasury bill rates spreads. Applying the dynamic vector autoregressive model, the results shows that the slope of the term structure is a good predictor of expected inflation and the yield curve provides some information on changes in inflation over periods. Confirming previous empirical findings in other countries. The implication from the findings suggest that monetary authorise should also uses the term structure of interest rate as an option of assessing inflation dynamics in Rwanda.

Reconceptualization of legal protection on women and children of the human trafficking victims

The problem of human trafficking in indonesia inseparable from the history of the indonesia country in the past that is in the era of empires and colonization that growing important role of slavery as well as the tribute in the form of human being in particular women and children to the king in power or the colonist. The victim of human trafficking increase over the day, this condition is certainly contrary to the value of justice. Law No.

Disharmony legislation in the agrarian sector

Disharmony (inconsistency) of laws and regulations is due to the existence of sectoral egos between ministries / institutions in the process of planning and legal formation. In 2016 15 harmonized draft laws, 64 draft Government Regulations and 7 draft Presidential Regulations. Regulation of land rights still raises many problems with regard to sectoral, departmental and local (regional) activities.

Good intention in village electrical contract and electrical installation based on fairness

Provisional contract for electricity and electrical installation was one of government’s provisional contracts. Goods/service provisional contract was done through selection process in tender project. Provisional activities would be announced online through provisional policy institution concerning the existence of regional government provisional activities which offer cooperation with third party.

Rural sanitation in india with special reference to chitradurgataluk

Sanitation is vital for human health, sanitation generates economic benefits, sanitation contributes to dignity and social development, sanitation helps the environment improving, sanitation is achievable. Improvements in sanitation and water supply are crucial to the substantial decrease in disease and deaths. Besides, better sanitation and water supply has positive energies in improving education, decreasing gender disparities, reducing work burden on the families, and providing many others social benefits.

The george soros’s system of conquering and draining entire countries - part of prof. m. dobrev “financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism”

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2010 “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based principle materialismus since more than 17 century.08 “Theory of generating of crises”, 2010 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “ Theory of the mafia”. Based on these two theories this paper explane the establishment of the mafiotismus all over the world – principles, theory and praxis in European Union , European Commission and in the Republic Bulgaria , the practice of work of the George Soros as a example of that.