Life Sciences

The effects of quaternary ammonium compounds based disinfectant by imago & getter, on some important foodborne pathogens

Antimicrobial disinfectants are widely used in different food processing industry across the world. In attention to extent uses of disinfectants, it is necessary to evaluate and validate the efficacy of disinfectants and employing the minimum effective dosages.

Eficacia de las escalas; cubbin-jackson y braden para la evaluación de riego de úlceras por presión en la unidad de cuidados intensivos adultos

Objective: To compare the efficacy of the Cubbin-Jackson and Braden scales for assessing pressure ulcer risk in patients hospitalized in the Adult Intensive Care Unit of the Naval Medical Center. Background: There is evidence that 3-34% of patients hospitalized in general wards develop ulcers during their stay. Patients admitted to Intensive Care Units are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers, with an incidence ranging from 3.3 to 52.9%(1). On average, 7-23% of hospitalized patients in Europe and North America have pressure ulcers.

Percepción del paciente sobre el cuidado humanizado de enfermería durante su estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos adulto del centro médico naval

The condition of care in the critical care unit scenario, based on the perception of the patient hospitalized in an ICU, is being analyzed as an object of study because it represents a situational crisis for the patient, caused by the critical condition of his health, in an environment with advanced technology where the nursing professional and the patient coincide. In such a way that the connection of the patient with the environment is broken, which implies that he depends on humanized care.

Hematological analysis of some fish species from the affected effluent site of the white nile river at south of khartoum city, Sudan

Hematology analysis is a swift test of blood to help monitoring health condition of fish in natural fisheries of suspected polluted rivers. To evaluate health status of fish in the White Nile River at southern Khartoum City, a total of 120 different fish species were collected from both the targeted upstream polluted area and from the non-polluted upstream area. According to routine clinical methods, the hematological parameters of PCV, Hb, WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC were investigated.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation versus narrow band ultraviolet b on pruritus in hemodialysis patients

Background: Itch (Latin pruritus) is been defined as unpleasant sensation that elicits the desire to scratch pruritus has been well recognized as a common and sometimes unbearable complication in patients who undergo hemodialysis uremia is well known as the most common cause of pruritus in chronic hemodialysis patients uremic pruritus has significant impact on mental and physical capacity of patients, contributing to day time fatigue, agitation, sleep disturbance and depression.

The effect of adding kinesio tape to mulligan's mobilization in patients with a cervicogenic headache

Background: Cervicogenic headache is a major problem in many people suffering from upper cervical dysfunction with a great conflict in its physical therapy management. Objective: To determine the effect ofAdding Kinesio Tape To Mulligan's Mobilization In Patients With A Cervicogenic Headache. Methods: Fifty four patients with cervicogenic headache included in the study; from outpatient clinic of Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University, Kasr El Aliniy Clinics.

Review of physiological function of pittadhara kala w.s.r. to erythorpoiesis

Kala Sharir is an important part of Ayurved anatomy but not explained clearly in text. Kala is supposed to be situated between Dhatu and concerning Ashaya. It is formed with layers or membranes of our body and correlated with mucous, serous, fibrous membrane. There are many layers or membranes in the body which form an envelope over the organs. They provide support and protections to the organs. Kala are seven in number and Pittadhara Kala is sixth one present in between Amashya and Pakwashaya that is Grahani correlated as small intestine.

Be aware of the arthropod-borne disease: rickettsiosis, plague, bartonellosis, and relapsing fever borreliosis

Victims of arthropod-borne diseases may be unaware of the source or circumstances of infection. Symptoms are often vague, initially, and characteristic lesions at the bite site or rashes may be lacking. This review aims to enhance the awareness and recognition of currently relevant diseases borne by hemophagous ectoparasitical arthropods, namely, fleas (endemic typhus and flea-borne spotted fever, plague, cat-scratch disease), human body lice (epidemic typhus, trench fever, louse-borne relapsing fever), and soft ticks (tick-borne relapsing fever).

Post renal transplant atn complicated renal temponading from marked subcapsular hematoma

Subcapsular hematoma after kidney transplant may result in kidney ischemia and graft loss. In this report, we present a 38 years old male patient who had post-transplant ATN complicated a subcapsular hematoma just after surgery. He had end stage renal disease secondary to chronic glomerulonephritis (hypertension, proteinuria and bilateral atrophic kidneys in abdominal ultra sound (US). He had a living-donor kidney transplant from hissister. At perfusion, there was smalldecapsulatedarea in the lower pole of the transplanted kidney.

Effect of relaxation technique on lipid profile in cases of essential hypertension

Introduction- Hypertension is known to be associated with derangements in lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that hyperlipidaemia substantially worsens the prognosis in hypertensive patients. Aim- To find out the difference in systolic blood pressure , diastolic blood pressure & lipid values at post intervention, in study group and then to compare with control group. Method- This was a intervention, randomised, pre and post study.