Life Sciences

In vitro assay and dissolution study of diclofenac sodium tablets marketed in portharcourt, south – south Nigeria

The aim of this study is to determine the potency of Diclofenac sodium tablet available in Port Harcourt metropolis, south-south Nigeria. Diclofenac Sodium is a potent Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) commonly used as an Over the Counter (OTC) drug. Potency determination was performed to evaluate and authenticate whether the marketed samples complies with the declared specification. In vitro dissolution study was, performed to verify the potency of the drug and its relative bioavailability.

Highlights on aquatic fungi and mushrooms ecology and biotechnology, with description of the rarely isolated aquatic mushroomspsathyrella aquatic as a novel taxon

Mushrooms are macrofungi that exist everywhere around us. Theyhave significant roles in human life as source of nutrition and bioactive compounds. Many aquatic isolatedfungi and mushrooms have been reported as promising biotechnological tools for production of secondary metabolites of various biologically activities. Recently, Psathyrella aquatica has been discovered in Rogue River, Oregon, United States.

Photochemical responses of three schiff bases derived from benzoyl hydrazine: a comparative study

Three Schiff bases P1-3 derived from benzoyl hydrazine was synthesized and characterized. Study revealed that P1 with –OH as substitute had good selectivity to Al3+, other two compounds P2-3 did not show any selective property. These results indicated that different active groups in the probe system had great effect on the selectivity and sensitivity. P1 was characterized as an Al3+-selective fluorescent probe in detail.

Comparación de resultados clínicos y radiológicos de dos diseños de reemplazo articular de rodilla posteroestabilizados.

Introduction: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) or gonarthrosis is a chronic disease with a high prevalence in the adult population, which causes a significant physical limitation, which directly impacts the quality of life of patients. Surgical treatment in patients diagnosed with OA has shown good results in pain management, as well as in improving the functional capacity and mobility of the patient.

Synthesis and characterization of a Cu2+-selective fluorescent probe based on naphthalimide derivative

A Cu2+-sensitive fluorescent probe P based on naphthalimide derivative was designed and characterized. Study showed that P had good selectivity to Cu2+ among the tested metal ions. The fluorescent intensity was proportional to the concentration of Cu2+ in the range of 1.5×10-6-7.0×10-6 M with a detection limit of 5.0×10-7 M Cu2+. The possible binding mode of P with Cu2+ was also proposed.

Varuna (crateva nurvala buch.-ham.)- a valuable ayurvedic medicinal plant of present era

Varuna (Cratevanurvala Buch-Ham.) belongs to the family Capparaceae is used therapeutically for various ailments since ancient times. It is considered to be one of the holly and sacred trees in India. Varuna has bitter (Tikta) , astringent (Kashaya) taste (Rasa), its Vipaka is Katu with Ushna Veerya. It alleviates Kapha, vatadoshas, but aggravates pitta dosha mainly due to ushnaveerya. Varuna is one such plant which is being used in ‘Ayurveda’ mainly for the management of Urolithiasis (Ashmarighana ) , Diuretic action (mutrajana ).In deed it has many other actions as well.

Validation of a software analysis in measuring shoulder's range of motion in hemiplegic patients with adhesive capsulitis

Objectives: Assessment of range of motion (ROM) in Physical therapy field is essential for both normal and abnormal subjects, with modern innovations in technology. The physical therapist becomes in need to use available, cheap, quick and easily applicable software for measuring joint angle ROM. This study was conducted to investigate the validity of Kinovea software for measuring shoulders joint ROM in patients with Hemiplegia.

Unusual tumor in intestine in a case of right hemicolectomy

Introduction: Intussusception is not commonly seen in adults. There are various causes of Intussusception in adults. Commonly these are due to malignant tumours. Some benign tumours are also encountered. Aim of the study: To study the cause of intestinal obstruction in this case. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Kolkata.Result: This is a case study of an elderly man with intestinal obstruction who was admitted to the hospital with pain abdomen and mass in the abdomen. USG revealed a mass containing fat.

Effectiveness of the ipex ii nsk® apex locator in patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis diagnostics and asytomatic ap

Background: Root canal treatment is a procedure that allows to preserve the dental organs, even when they have presented infectious processes due to the direct or indirect presence of microorganisms in the oral environment. For this reason, multiple technologies have been developed that allow endodontists to establish diagnoses and develop treatments with better results.